Stage Direction
Talk That Talk
Types of Scenes
Behind the Scenes
The right part of a stage from the viewpoint of one who faces the audience.
What is Stage Right?
Introduction to a drama.
What is the Prologue?
The use of a comical scene to interrupt a succession of intensely tragic and dramatic moments.
What is Comic Relief?
A minor character who doesn't speak ant lines (pantomime); usually doesn't have a name, but is defined by what it does, and sometimes has a number if there is more than one of this character (ex: Robber1, Robber2).
What is an Extra?
The left part of a stage from the viewpoint of one who faces the audience.
What is Stage Left?
A speech given by a single character while that character is alone on the stage.
What is a Monologue?
A subdivision of an act; usually ends when all characters leave the stage and [it] is over.
What is a Scene?
Main role in a dramatic production (most commonly known as the main character).
What is a Lead?
A picture or flat that is hung from a pipe and which depicts a background for a scene.
What is the Backdrop?
A monologue performed by a character while other characters are on stage, but not heard by anyone but the speaker, and audience (speaker's private thoughts).
What is an Aside?
In the Greek scene, a play ends with the death of at least one of the main characters. Now, it refers to a play that does not have a happy ending.
What is Tragedy?!
The actors in a play and the process of selecting which actors will play which characters.
What is a Cast?
Tells the characters to leave the stage and scene.
What is the Exit?
A reminder to an actor when the actor forgets a line.
What is a Prompt?
A major section of the play, similar to a chapter book. Typically made up of several scenes.
What is an Act?
The process in rehearsals wherein the director tells the actors where to go, and how to move. The act of physically marking the stage to indicate to where an actor is supposed to move.
What is Blocking?
Tell me all of the Stage Directions.
What are Stage Left, Stage Right, Backdrop, and Exit?
How an actor says his/her lines. It is as important as what an actor does or looks like, or how s/he dresses.
What is Delivery?
A story written to be performed by actors.
What is a Drama?
Comic Relief, Prologue, Monologue, Aside, Act, Drama, Scene, Tragedy, Exit, Extra, Lead, Cast, Blocking, Prompt, Stage Left/Right, Backdrop, and Delivery.
What are all of the things you have learned today?