Who was it?
Plot Elements
Four Conflicts
Who said it?
Flashback Act 1

When living, this person claims, their business was mankind.

Who is Jacob Marley?

19th century (1800s) in England.

What is exposition/setting?


The type of conflict between Scrooge and Marley.

What is person vs. person?


"A solitary child, neglected by his friends is left there still."

Who is Ghost of Past?


Why does Scrooge object to having people enjoy Christmas?

He prefers to make money and Christmas is an interruption.


This character has been described as a miser, tight-fisted, and "solitary as an oyster."

Who is Ebenezer Scrooge?


The part of the play where Scrooge is shown his grave along with Tiny Tim's.

What is climax?


The type of conflict between Scrooge and the passersby on the street.

What is person vs. society?


"They owe me money and I will collect. I will have them jailed, if I have to. They owe me money and I will collect what is due me."

Who is Ebenezer Scrooge?


Near the end of Act I of A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley, Scrooge sees himself as a child at school. What is revealed about his childhood in this scene?

He was alone and lonely.


This character has no daily interactions with Scrooge, but refuses to toast to his name because he is "odious, stingy, and unfeeling."

Who is Mrs. Cratchit?


Scrooge's fiancee calling off their engagement

What is rising action?


The type of conflict between Scrooge and the snow.

What is person vs. nature?


"I do not present the Cratchits to you because they are a handsome or brilliant family... They are happy, grateful, pleased with one another, contented with the time and how it passes."

Who is Ghost of Present?


What does Scrooge reply to people who wish him a Merry Christmas?

"Bah Humbug!"


This character showed Scrooge what life would be like if he continued to be mean and push others away.

Who is Ghost of Future Christmases?


Scrooge sits down and has Christmas dinner with his nephew and niece.

What is resolution?


The type of conflict between Scrooge versus good and bad behavior.

What is person vs. self?


"If I ever own a firm of my own, I shall treat my apprentices with the same dignity and the same grace."

Who is Young Scrooge?


What caused Scrooge to be so mean?

Possible answers:

1. He was neglected as a child.

2. His fiancee broke off their engagement because he was obsessed with money.

3. His sister's death.


This character appeared to Scrooge first to take him to the times in his life where he felt the most neglected and heartbroken.

Who is the Ghost of Past?


Scrooge takes actions to redeem himself from his miserly ways and avoid fate.

What is falling action?


Give an example of Marley vs. self.

Acceptable answers:

- Marley debating whether or not to torture Scrooge

- Him trying to figure out what would make Scrooge change his ways


"I'll drink to his health for your sake and the day's, but not for his sake."

Who is Mrs. Cratchit?

Why did Scrooge never remove Marley's name from their company and building?

It was cheaper than painting a new sign.