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SODA or Pop?
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The location of most alerts related to daily activities.

What is the Community Manager Dashboard?


The deposit info tab, the lease charges tab, and the ledger must all be reviewed prior to completing this task.

What is deposit accounting?


This boy band member went to space.

Who is Lance Bass?


This boy band was formed in Orlando around the same time as *Nsync.

Who is The Backstreet Boys?


To view all current and previous refunds associated with a resident click here.

What is the Payables Register?


This form prompts you to use a function that adjusts and updates the resident's lease charges and posts the changes retroactively.

What is a Rent Change Notice?


The renewal process begins this many days before the lease expiration date.

What is 120 for affordable and 90 days for Market Rate?


This is sent to the resident, filed at the property and if a balance is due, sent to collections when Deposit Accounting is completed. 

What is a Statement of Deposit Accounting/Moveout Statement?


This is one possible reason for a past resident to have a credit appearing on the Accounts Receivable report.

What is - bad debt payment, payment erroneously scanned after deposit accounting completed, credits applied to ledger outside of adjust deposit accounting. 


The Make Ready Board is generated when this action is performed.

What is putting a resident on Notice?


This former boy band lead singer is a frequent guest and performer on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.

Who is Justin Timberlake?


Starting March 1st, the Payments Manager will be taking over entering this for the San Antonio market.

What are HAP payments?


This dashboard should be checked frequently to make sure invoices and payables are being pushed to the next step in the workflow. 

What is the Payscan Workflow Dashboard?


When performing Deposit Accounting, in order for a refund to be generated, this expense type must always be chosen.

What is Tenant Refund?


This person is the Executive Vice President of Property Management. 

Who is Phillip Boatwright?