Stages of Counseling
Counseling Skills
Communication Skills
Stages of Group Development
What are some of the basic and general duties of a counselor
Helping the client mobilize resources to resolve his or her problems and/or modify attitudes and values
The counselor gathers as much information as is realistically possible in order to make a valid assessment and treatment plan is called.....
Information Gathering
Demonstration of the counselor's concern for and interest in the client by eye contact, body posture, and accurate verbal following is called...
Attending Skills
To truly hear and understand the speaker and to help the speaker feel valued is called...
Attentive or Active Listening
Each member is concerned about acceptance, identity, power and intimacy is called...
Initial Stage of Group Development
What are some basic counseling approaches?
Behavior Therapy, Reality Therapy and Centered Therapy.
Information gathered from the client concerning nature and severity of the presenting symptoms, cause of the symptoms, relief of the symptoms, client's readiness for counseling and client/counselor match is called...
Helps to identify specific feelings, behaviors or situations relevant to the problem preventing vagueness which allows the problems to continue because vagueness cannot be challenged is called...
A counselor statement that mirrors the client's statement in exact or similar wording is called...
Though members continue to struggle with issues from Stage One, the focus shifts to dominance, control and power which is called...
Transition Stage of Group Development
What is Behavior Therapy?
Behavior therapy is a broad term referring to psychotherapy, behavior analytical, or a combination of the two therapies. In its broadest sense, the methods focus on either just behaviors or in combination with thoughts and feelings that might be causing them.
There are three issues that the counselor and client must talk through and come to agreement upon which are practical issues, expectations, and goals which is called...
Counseling Agreement
Feelings are body-mind reactions that the client experiences but may not be able to express because he or she does not have the feelings vocabulary, denies feelings, is unaware of feelings or feelings may contradict the content is called...
Distinguishing Content from Feeling
The essence of the client's feelings, either stated or implied, as expressed by the counselor is called...
Reflecting of Feeling
The group has emerged from its conflicts with a sense of oneness and cohesiveness showing spontaneity, honesty, acceptance, responsibility, self-disclosure, constructive expression of hostility and resentment, encouragement of others, less dependence on the leader and more equality among members is called...
Working Stage of Group Development
What is Reality Therapy?
Reality therapy focuses on the current issues affecting a person seeking treatment rather than the issues that person has experienced in the past, and it encourages that person, through therapy, to change any behavior that may prevent him or her from finding a solution to those issues
The client and the counselor work toward resolving problems and meeting goals as well as using a variety of techniques to facilitate this change which is called...
Changing Behavior
A counselor's response that directs the client's attention inward to help both parties examine the client's situation in greater depth is called...
A counselor's statement or question intended to point out contradictions in the client's behavior and statements, or to induce the client to face an issue the counselor feels the client is avoiding is called...
Termination is an integral part of the counseling process and is an important force in the process of change because it prepares the members for post-group independence which is called...
Final Stage of Group Development
What is Client Centered Therapy?
Client-centered therapy, which is also known as person-centered, non-directive, or Rogerian therapy, is a counseling approach that requires the client to take an active role in his or her treatment with the therapist being nondirective and supportive.
Things have improved for the client, on his/her way of meeting goals and the client is capable of handling life without counseling support is called....
When the counselor has the ability to feel with the client and sense what his/her world is like as well as talking to the client, not at the client, communicating and understanding as well as being supportive is called...
Accurate Empathy
The counselor's sharing of his/her personal feelings, attitudes, opinions, and experiences for the benefit of the client is called...
Counselor Self-Disclosure
True of False Some socially isolated clients may postpone termination because they use the group as a social group.