How do you use data to guide your planning and instruction?
Previous test scores, classwork, IPR's (Individual Progress Reports) to locate strengths and weeknesses.
How do you integrate students in the classroom?
Ice breakers and partner projects.
Have you ever used jeopardylabs or a similar game for instruction?
Yes. Easily review and test knowledge of topics discussed during the day.
Does your program have technical standards or requirements for students to participate in your program? What are they?
Yes. (Refer to purple sheet.)
How do your students integrate with the rest of the college community?
Attend all campus activities sponsored by SGA
Frequent the Library, Cafeteria, and Gardens
Volunteer on campus and fieldtrips.
What are some of your favorite resources and materials?
Do you allow your students to offer ideas/suggestions on what they want to learn? If so, give examples of what they have suggested?
Yes. Instruct the Students to brainstorm.
What do you do to integrate career exploration and workplace readiness into your instruction?
Mock Interviews
Deep dive into a specific career
VR Headsets
Which resources seem to make the most difference in your class?
Adaptive and Interactive technology.
How do you organize your daily/weekly lesson plan?
Common Curriculum
Have tabs open, materials accessible, Have daily agenda posted or explained.
How do your students progress from your class to higher level classes or to post-secondary classes?
Grades, Interviewing with Access to Achievement Coordinator who creates a PCP for students.
How do you incorporate contextualized learning into your classroom?
Encourage active participation, integrate real-world examples into lesson planning, understand their specific needs, and relate content to student interests.
How do you ensure that at least 20% of your students achieve MSG in a program year?
Encouragement and reviewing IPRs.
How would you teach self-awareness and self-advocacy?
Allowing students to express themselves while encouraging them to be independent.
How do you develop themes for your ABE class?
Depends on the seasons, events in other countries, review "Themes for month" on Google