Nutritious Meals
Guest Readers
Site Team

The most important meal of the day is always delivered the Energy Express way.

What is breakfast?


This guest reader may arrive in a large, red truck.

What is a fire fighter?


Every child receives at least 20 minutes of this per day in Energy Express.

What is one-on-one reading?


Making play dough or rock painting are two examples of this kind of activity.

What is art?


Every site team completes at least one of these each summer, which is aimed towards addressing a community need.

What is a site community service project?


Often served right before the kids leave the site every day, this nutritious meal makes sure that no one goes home hungry.

What is lunch?


This guest reader would be great during community week, and, hopefully, they bring some free merch!

What is a businessperson/small business owner?


The mentor in each class reads a book to their students every day, often forming the basis of other activities.

What is read aloud?


Writing acrostic poems, recipes, and journal entries are examples of this kind of activity.

What is writing?


If want to receive credit for your hours served, you better make sure to fill these out periodically.

What are time sheets?


This is the style of the meals we share at Energy Express, with everyone in a class, including the mentor, sitting and eating together.

What are family-style meals?


This guest reader may have a furry, but highly trained companion.

What is a police officer?


Every child has at least one of these to keep track of all of the books that they've read.

What is a reading log?


Creating and acting out commercials, putting on a puppet show, or a simple game of charades are examples of this kind of activity.

What is drama?


Every site team does these at least twice per week to bond and reflect upon their experiences.

What are reflection activities?


At Energy Express, we don't just have family-style meals; we have ______ family-style meals.

What are nutritious?


This guest reader spends their time in city hall, addressing the needs of their constituents.

What is a mayor?


One of these is completed every day after read aloud to help improve reading retention and comprehension skills.

What is a graphic organizer?


This type of activity features games that foster cooperation, communication, trust, and sharing, instead of competition and judgement.

What is non-competitive recreation?


These occur twice during the program and allow mentors and community coordinators to see what they have done well, and what they need to improve upon.

What are evaluations?


There are nearly 50,000 of these served per year in Energy Express to participants, volunteers, and site team members.

What are nutritious meals?


This guest reader spends a lot of time in the forest, which they protect and preserve.

What is a park ranger?


Every week each of the children gets to take home one book related to this.

What is the weekly theme?


Making friendship bracelets, playing two truths and a lie, or doing yoga are ways to get everyone acquainted and ready for the day. They are examples of this kind of activity.

What is a welcome activity?


The ultimate event of the summer! Each site holds one of these to showcase the children's work from throughout the program and to allow families to meet, in-person, with their child's mentor.

What is an open house?