THe city where batman works.
What is Gotham City
The worst main character in star wars. (explain)
I will decide.
The upgrade path of a dart money with quick shots, and Juggernaut. (x-x-x)
what is a 5-1-0
The best dino (explain)
I will decide
The name for trees that do not loss their leaves during winter
What is evergreen?
The place where superman work
what is Daily Planet?
The intelligent life form that allows you to control the force.
What is midi-chlorians?
The two towers no in BTD6 but are in BTD 5 name either
What is bloonchipper, Coba
The doctor in ark survival evolved
Who is Edmund Rockwell?
The name of trees that do not lose their leaves during winter
What is deciduous
The name of superman's dog name.
Who is Krypto
The power source of modern lightsabers
What is kyber crystal?
What/who is the Cave Monkey?
The boss on the island
What is Broodmother Lysrix, Megapithecus, Dragon, and finally the Overseer?
The number of tree species on earth. according to the world economic form (within 1,000).
What is 73,300 tree species.
The people on captain America team during the captain america Civil war.
Who is Captain America, Ant-Man, The Winter Soldier, Hawkeye, Falcon, Scarlet Witch.
This does not count (Agent 13)if you get this im am very surprised
what is the construction of the superweapon known as the first Death Star?
the moneys with a Paragon. AS of update 41.0
What/who is Dart ,Boomerang, monkey sub, Buccaneer, monkey Ace,Wizard,Ninja,Engineer.
The engrams you unlock at level 1.
What is Note, Stone pick, Troch?
The tallest tree species in thew world.
What is coniferous Coast redwood
The real name of the joker
Who is Jack Napier
The name of the person whos nickname is called stardust.
Who is Jyn Erso?
Name 7 of the 15 heros in BTD6
(name all for double)
WHo is; Quincy, Gwendolin, Striker ,Obyn , Corvus, Churchill, benjamin,Ezili, Pat fusty, ADora, brickell, Etienne, Sauda, Psi, Geraldo.
The maps of ark survival evolved name half of the maps or all 12 for double
What is Island, Scorched Earth, Aberration, Extinction, Genesis 1, Genesis 2,Lost Island, Valguero, The Center, Fjordur, Ragnarok,Crystal Isles?
The most common tree found in south carolina.
What is Oak trees?