8 Elements of a Lesson
Individual Student Activities
Student Pair Activities
Small Group Activities
Whole Class Activities
the step taken to create goals for students that outlines "what" we want the students to be able to do as a result of the lesson 
Element one: Generate Objectives 
students read their own work, or another artists work, out loud to the whole class using drama and expression 
readers theater 
when the teacher poses a question, then has the students record their thoughts individually, then share their thoughts with a partner, then, hopefully, share with the whole class
think, pair, share
an approach in which small groups work on learning different aspects of a single topic, then share what they have learned with the whole class
have students use background knowledge, current info, illustrations, observations, etc., to make inferences about what is to come
explore what students already know and what they can do through different types of prompts and instructions that hint at the information we want to know
Element 8: culminate lesson by reviewing what was learned 
writing that is open ended and invites thoughts of speculation such as: art, love ,environment, etc. 
free writes 
provides the opportunity for students to read together in pairs  
buddy reading 
teacher divides students into groups, they all read the same book, or separate books. students read sections and then come to the group prepared to talk about certain aspects of that text.  
literature circles 
acronym that stands for the activity known as Know/Want to know/Learned. A graphic organizer that can be given before, during, or after a lesson to organize where the students are at with a topic 
give clear and specific instruction on what outcomes the teacher wants the students to be able to do by the end of the lesson 
Element four: explicitly introduce what is expected 
a type of graphic organizer consisting of blank squares, one after the other. 
story boards 
when students engage in dialog with a partner each acting or seeing the point of view as though they were another character 
role play 
all members rely on one another to solve problems, create solutions, practice skills, or develop ideas. grouping of students can be done in a variety of ways 
cooperative learning
teacher makes an oral statement(s) to the class and have the students answer with a brief answer 
call and response
during the lesson, as the teacher, observe, interact, ask questions, facilitate conversation, and study the work produced by the students.  
element 6: check in with students throughout lesson 
approach used to connect students to text before they start reading. A main idea is stated and then the student writes a pro, con, and thought about the summarized min idea they just read. 
an activity that allows for the practice of the 7 habits of good readers, as well as gives students the opportunity to share their thoughts on what they are reading verbally with a partner 
read aloud/think aloud 
gives students the opportunity to showcase important aspects of what they are learning in a dramatized way. ex: groups can make a television advertisement  
acting scenarios 
this includes teacher-created stations along clusters of desks or in certain parts of the classroom that contain different materials. students go from station to station completing the tasks at each one

explore what students already know and what they can do through different types of prompts and instructions that hint at the information we want to know

Element two: provide opportunities for application of recent skills/knowledge 

graphic organizer that helps students plot incidences that happen sequentially 
when students silently act out a story or scene from a story read aloud by the teacher or another student 
Unexpected bonus! Get double the points! Give us your own created example of a small group activity!
Your response! 
a series of brief statements that are about the upcoming topic in which the students read and write agree or disagree next to 
Anticipation guides