What is true about William Miller and Joshua Hines?
A. After the Great Disappointment, they never gave up their love for Jesus
B. They still expected Jesus soon return.
C. They were 2 of the greatest Advent leaders of the time.
D. All of the above.
D. All of the above
What is the date of the Great Disappointment?
October 22, 1844
About how many people were expecting Jesus to come right before the Great Disappointment?
About 100,000
Zechariah 4:6; Read this verse to the class and then put it in your own words.
Thank you!
What is a remnant? Why were the people who were still Advent believers called 'the remnant'?
Remnant means: "the small amount that remains at the end." Those who continued to believe in Jesus soon return after the Great Disappointment were called the remnant because there were only a few of them left.
The first Sabbath Conference started with 150 people, but then dropped to around 50.
True of False?
FALSE! The first Sabbath Conference started with 15 people and grew to about 50.
About how many Advent believers were left after the Great Disappointment?
Perhaps only 100.
Read the story about how God led this small number into truth.
Because James and Ellen White gave so much of their personal money toward spreading Bible truth, what 2 things did they not always have?
James wrote that they did not always have proper food or clothes.
Why was the church name 'Seventh-day Adventist' chosen?
It highlights 2 of our church's important beliefs: that the 7th day is the Biblical Sabbath, and our belief in the soon coming of Jesus.
What finally settled the arguing at the 2nd Sabbath Conference?
A. William Miller's sermon.
B. God gave Ellen White a vision that corrected many false beliefs.
C. Joseph Bates called for those in error to change their minds, and they did.
D. One side presented stronger arguments than the other.
B. A vision was given to Ellen White. The meeting ended in complete unity!
What year did James White start printing the Youth's Instructor, a magazine especially for youth?
Read I Corinthians 8:9. What was Jesus' example to us?
Thank you for your answer!
After one of her visions, what two people did Ellen White encourage to print books and papers to tell others about the Sabbath?
Joseph Bates and James White
What important item did James White buy in 1852, and why did he buy it?
A printing press. Because it would cost less for James and his co-workers to print things themselves, rather than hiring a printer to do the work.
How many Sabbath Conferences did they have in 1848?
Read Hebrews 10:24 & 25; Put the ideas in your own words.
Thank you!
Who started printing the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald? Is this magazine still being produced?
James White; Yes it is still in print! The name of the magazine is now, "Adventist Review", and it has been printed for over 175 years! That makes it one of the oldest religious publications in North America!
What was the name of the special meeting where the Seventh-day Adventist Church was officially organized?
General Conference.
1863: The first General Conference; 20 people came from different states. Then 159 years later. . .
2022: The most recent General Conference meeting had 2713 delegates from all over the world. (Picture)
Now, the General Conference meetings happen every 5 years. The next one is happening this year in St. Louis, Missouri.
About how long after the Great Disappointment did the Seventh-day Adventists Church finally become an official organization?
The lesson says 'nearly 20'--(more accurately, closer to 18.5 years.)
What humble place was the 3rd Sabbath Conference held?
Hiram Edson's barn--the same barn where he and his friends had prayed after the Great Disappointment