____ loans in a flood zone have to be escrowed
What are 1st DOT ILA
Consumer loans are locked on this date
What is application
Shrek compares Ogres to these misunderstood vegetables
What are Onions
October is our ____ Awareness Month
What is Cybersecurity
The first Pixar movie
What is Toy Story
FirstBank does not require flood insurance on these real property secured loans
What are Lot Loans
Patrick Ross supervises this team
What is the LE team
He lives on Drury Lane
Who is the Muffin Man
We will no longer redisclose just for this change
What is “borrower added”
Cinderella's two stepsisters
Who are Anastasia and Drizella
Flood Insurance Document we can accept
What is Declarations Page
His daughter wants to marry Shrek
Who is Eli
Donkey loves to make these breakfast treats
What are waffles
PreClose Review Time should be rounded to what?
What is the nearest quarter hour
He painted the Mona Lisa
Who is Leonardo da Vinci
Review and Approve flood policies
What is a Flood Specialist
Our Chief Executive Officer
Who is Kevin Classen
This character takes out Lord Farquad at the end of the movie
Who is Dragon
I just added a reminder to all applicable loan types that ___ might apply
What is MLA
Pope Gregory IV tried to exterminate this animal from Europe, as he said they were instruments of Satan?
What are cats
This flood caused over 27K miles of damage in 1927
What is the Mississippi River Flood
FirstBank was founded this year
What is 1963
This song plays during the end credits
What is “I’m a believer”
There are two types of people in October, who are they?
What are Halloween or Christmas people
The national animal of Scotland
What is the Unicorn