This staff member once helped rescue a pair of baby opossums; also, she almost went to art school to study oil painting instead of college for journalism
Sarah (Sicard)
With her outrigger crew, staff member who completed the 37-mile Na Pali Challenge in August
Staff member who played trumpet in high school; also, is learning to speak Haitian Creole
What was A-G’s first contract with the Govt?
Staff member who has a five-month-old grandbaby. Also, her first career was 20 years as a Medical Technologist specializing in microbiology
This staff member has three cats and a baby due on Christmas Day
Staff member who traveled to six countries and ran 11 races in 2024
Staff member who participated in and won her first karaoke competition this past year. Also, enjoys doing 2000-piece puzzles.
Where was A-G’s first office?
Peg’s dining room table.
Staff member who received the Eastern Sociological Society's 2024 Public Sociology Award; also, does improv for fun
This staff member just moved to San Diego with her pup; frequently send beach photos and videos to her team, causing much jealousy
Staff member who traveled to Japan this year; also became a published children's author
Staff member who has the Shakira concert on her bucket list. Also, makes really good guac.
Who is A-G’s longest tenured male employee (that isn’t Chris G)?
Kel (Dahkel)
Last year, she received a LEGO set and dedicated time to building it. This year, she's gifting herself another LEGO set and plans to make it a tradition to build one new set each year.
AKA "the bird lady" - this staff member has four birds
This staff member taught TaeKwonDo and, as a high school student, climbed down from a second story classroom with her friends via pipes leading to the ground floor to ditch afterschool study time (7-10 pm).
Staff member who is a major concert junkie and HUGE Taylor Swift fan; also, an empty nester with a 19-year-old daughter
Our IT company is currently called CBIZ, formerly known as Marcum. What was the name of the company immediately before Marcum?
Has never seen Star Wars, has ophidiophobia (extreme fear of snakes), and first job in high school was working at Pizza Hut!
This A-G employee swam with whale sharks
This staff member loves to downhill ski and learned that downhill ski lift tickets are less expense at SkiWelt, Austria than Jackson Hole, WY
For her sister’s birthday this year, she drove 17 hours to Indianapolis to attend Taylor Swift's concert, attended the concert, and then drove another 17 hours back to Boston. All within 3 days.
Where was A-G's first holiday party?
Riverboat Tour
Staff member who was born during a hurricane (Hurricane Alicia) and is left-handed