When is Nikolaustag or St. Nicholas Day?
December 6th
What is Pfefferkuchen/Lebkuchen?
Gingerbread cookie
What do bad kids receive in their shoes on Nikolaustag?
A stick or eine Rute
How many candles are typically on the Adventskranz?
When does Krampus take bad children?
December 6th
What is a Sternsinger?
A Christmas caroler
Where do you put your shoes on Nikolaustag?
At the front door
Who is Santa's animal sidekick in Southern Germany/Bavaria?
A donkey or Esel
When is der Heiligabend?
December 24th/Christmas Eve
What is a Tannenbaum or Weihnachtsbaum?
A Christmas tree, usually fir.
15% of Germans do this on Christmas
Go to church/mass
Who is Santa's animal sidekick in Northern Germany?
A white horse or weißes Pferd
When is Three Kings Day?
January 6th
Who is the Weihnachtsmann?
Who kidnaps bad kids?
Krampus or Knecht Ruprecht
Describe how the Christkind is usually dressed.
She wears a long white and gold dress
Long blond curly hair
Wears a gold crown
Sometimes has wings like an angel.
What year did St. Nikolaus die?
343 A.D.
What does Dreikönigstag mean?
Three Kings Day
How do Germans celebrate Dreikonigstag?
Caroling door-to-door
What is often served as the main course for a German Christmas meal?