
Your friend has a new toy that you really like. You ask to see it and they say no, but they let another friend see it. What do you do?

Ask them why I couldn't see it or tell a teacher 


The person next to you in class keeps trying to look at your paper during a test. What do you do?

Tell a teacher 

Your brother or sister borrowed something from you and has not given it back. What do you do?

Ask them to return the item or tell your parents 


Someone sits in your assigned seat. What do you do?

Tell the bus driver 


You notice a student is crying when they get their test back. What do you do?

Ask them if they are okay or tell a teacher 


You see your friend whispering to someone else and looking at you. When you come over, they stop talking. What do you do?

Ask them if they were talking about me or tell a teacher 


The person behind you keeps poking you with a pencil during silent time. This is annoying you. What do you do?

Quietly ask them to stop or tell a teacher


You asked your parents if you could have a friend over this weekend and they said no. You become upset, what do you do?

Use a coping strategy to calm down and talk to them about it when I am calm


You see another student doing something unsafe. What do you do?

Tell the bus driver 


You see a student bullying another student. What do you do?

Tell a teacher 


You ask to sit with a friend but he or she says the seat is already saved for someone else. What do you do?

Ask your friend to sit with them during another free time


You see kids playing basketball at recess and them to join. They say no. What do you do?

Ask them why not or ask to join the next game


It is your turn to use the bathroom to get ready but your sibling will not get out. What do you do?

Tell them it is not fair they are taking your turn. Tell your parents 


The student sitting next to you buckled their seat belt into your buckle. What do you do?

Tell them they have the wrong buckle 


You see a new student sitting by themselves. Your friends do not seem to notice. You don't want the new student to feel left out, but do not want your friends to make fun of you. What do you do? 

Invite the new student to join you and your friends. If they make fun of me, they are not my real friends. 


You and your friend both want to be the goalie while playing soccer. What do you do?

Suggest taking turns 


You see kids playing on the swings at recess. you want to use the swings, too, but they are all taken. What do you do?

Ask them to take turns


Your sibling got more toys than you did for their birthday this year and you are feeling sad. What do you do?

Ask them to share their toys with you and you share yours with them 


Your bus is running late to pick you up after school. You are becoming upset because you have something to do after school. What do you do?

Use a coping strategy to calm down and talk to an adult 


You are upset and someone tells you to "get over it". That makes you feel even more sad. What do you do?

Tell them that what they said was not very nice and how it made you feel. 


You let your friend borrow your toy, but when it comes back, there is a piece missing. What do you do?

Ask your friend what happened to the piece?


You are having a hard time focusing because the person next to you is making noise. What do you do?

Ask them to stop making noise or tell the teacher 


You and your sibling want to watch different shows and there is only one TV. What do you do?

Suggest watching both shows or watching something new altogether 


The student next to you is being noisy while you are trying to focus on yourself. This is making you frustrated. What do you do?

Use a coping strategy to calm down and then talk to the bus driver or monitor


Your video game is not working and keeps freezing. You are becoming frustrated and getting very angry. What do you do?

Stop playing and take space away from the game