The Permissive Period
The Restrictive Period
The Opportunist Period, Pt. 1
The Opportunist Period, Pt. 2
The Dismissive Period

Havighurst developed a name for this during the 19th century when large numbers of immigrant communities formed enclaves and aggresively promoted their language, religion, and cultural loyalties.

What is Defensive Pluralism?


This act, implemented in 1906, stipulated that to become naturalized U.S. citizens, immigrants must be able to speak English.

What is the Naturalization Act of 1906?


An Act enacted in 1958 which had as one of its primary goals to raise the level of foreign-language education in the United States.

What is the National Defense Education Act?


This proposition was approved by California voters in 1994 and was a ballot initiative designed to sharply curb illegal immigration through strong restrictions on the social and educational services that undocumented immigrants could receive.

What is Proposition 187?


The predominant approach to education language-minority students in the United States during this period, in which most educators and policy makers felt that it was up to the language-minority students, not the schools, to make the linguistic, cultural, and cognitive adjustments necessary to achieve assimilation in to American society. Also known as the sink-or-swim method.

What is submersion?


This Act in 1965 revoked the Naturalization Act of 1906 and terminated the 1924 national origin quota system.

What is the 1965 Immigration Act?


In 1998 California voters determined, through the passage of this proposition, that English should be the primary medium of instruction for language-minority students.

What is Proposition 227?


In this Supreme Court case in 1923, it was declared that Nebraska's prohibition against teaching foreign languages in elementary schools was unconstitutional on the basis of the 14th Amendment. Though a big deal, this case actually had little or no effect in arresting the demise of bilingual instruction during the first half of the 20th century.

What is Meyer v. Nebraska?


Enacted in 1968 this act strove to help disenfranchised language-minority students, especially Hispanics. Because of this act, language-minority students' ancestral languages and cultures were recognized in some form in the contents and processes of school life. Many elementary and some secondary bilingual and ESL programs were implemented throughout the U.S. because of this act, as well.

What is the Bilingual Education Act (Title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act)?


A Supreme Court case in 1974 which featured a class action suit representing 1,800 Chinese students who alleged discrimination on the grounds that they could not achieve academically because they did not understand the instruction of their English-speaking teachers.

What is Lau v. Nichols?


Issued in 1975 by the Office of Civil Rights, these served as a blueprint for school districts to follow in identifying language-minority students and determining their English-language proficiency. Furthermore, these specified suitable pedagogical strategies, the importance of moving ELLs into mainstream classrooms in a timely fashion, and professional standards for bilingual teachers.

What are the 1975 Lau Remedies?


Enacted in August of 1974, this act expanded the jurisdiction of the Lau decision "to apply to all public school districts, not just those receiving federal financial assistance."

What is the Equal Education Opportunities Act?


Generally considered the second most important court decision influencing education in the English language. Within this case, in 1981, the school district in Raymondville, Texas, was charged with violating the civil rights of ELLs under the Equal Education Opportunities Act of 1974. In response to the case, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals established a three-step test for determining whether school districts were taking "appropriate action" as required by the act for assessing programs serving language-minority students.

What is Castaneda v. Pickard?