Housing Discrimination
Key Terms

This term describes how certain neighborhoods were marked to keep Black families from buying homes.

What is redlining?


This happened to property values when Black families moved into a white neighborhood.

What is property values decreased?


This 1968 act was supposed to stop housing discrimination but came too late to prevent much of the damage.

What is the Fair Housing Act?


This term describes a dramatic event where white homeowners fled neighborhoods when Black families moved in, often fearing a decline in property value.

What is White Flight?


Chicago used this method to ensure that most public housing was built in Black neighborhoods only.

What is segregation?


This term refers to the planned separation of Black and white people in different neighborhoods.

What is segregation?


This legislation provided benefits to World War II veterans but failed to equally benefit Black veterans due to discriminatory practices.

What is the G.I. Bill?


Chicago became known for this strategy in which real estate agents frightened white homeowners into selling their houses at low prices by hinting that Black families would move in.

What is blockbusting?


These agreements in home sales prevented Black people from moving into white neighborhoods.

What are restrictive covenants?


Black people often couldn’t get these to buy homes in white neighborhoods, making it hard for them to own property.

What are loans or mortgages?


This 1935 New Deal law excluded farmworkers and domestic workers, leaving many African Americans without retirement or unemployment benefits.

What is the Social Security Act?


This was a massive wave of suburban neighborhood development following World War II, fueled by housing policies that excluded Black families. 

What is suburbanization?