The Gist of the Book
Using Context Clues
Citing Evidence
Sudanese Tribes Confront Modern War”

What was the name of the friend that Salva met and what happened to him?

What is Marial who was killed by a lion


Arguments once settled by fighting with sticks were now being decided with assault weapons. What does assault mean?

What is attack?

What is the last name of the author of the book whom we are citing from?

What is Park


Why does the author use the word “both” four times in the article?

What is To show how similar they really are


What tribe is Salva apart of and what tribe is Nya apart of? 

What is Nya is Nuer and Salva is Dinka?


Some of those refugees are known as the Lost Boys of Sudan. Fleeing violence and the fear of being forced into war, thousands of boys fled by foot to Ethiopia. What does refugee mean?

What is a person fleeing to escape war, natural disasters or other things.


What must you do after you've completed citing your evidence?

What is explain it

Why couldn't warriors remember any weapons before guns?

What is they are too young.


Why did Salva try to join the older group of men?

What is Salva's father always told him to act like a man and follow example of his older brothers


Tradition in both tribes held that causing a death created “spiritual pollution.” A bit of the blood of any man a Nuer speared to death was thought to be in the slayer, and had to be bled out of the upper arm by an earth priest. What does pollution mean?

What is Something unwanted 


What do you need to include when citing evidence?

What is page/paragraph number, quotation marks, authors last name, parenthesis


What did the Nuer and Dinka steal from each other traditionally?

What is cattle


How did the man from the Jur-chol tribe help out salva and the rest of the travelers in the beginning of the story?

What is he lead them to a honey bee hive


Until 1991, the guns were used mostly against northerners. But that August, there was a split in the rebel army. The fault line was tribal. A Nuer rebel officer, Riek Machar, tried to topple the rebels’ supreme commander, a Dinka named John Garang. What does fault line mean?

What is an issue that causes division or a split


What will happen if we do not cite evidence?

What is you will not get the answer right


What did the Dinka man who lived in the next hut do to Peter Wakoich?

What is slit the throat of all four of his kids.


In what ways does both Nya and Salva show resilience?

Nya: Walking long distances to get water for her family, taking her sister with her although she's young, being injured on her foot and still continuing 

Salva: losing his family and still pushing through, helping get the bee hive, suffering from the loss of his friend


He found armed youths running roughshod in a society whose dysfunction paralleled that of inner cities 8,000 miles away: Arguments once settled by fighting with sticks were now being decided with assault weapons. Define roughshod.

What is brutal, savage, vicious


Why do we cite evidence?

What is to support our answer or argument.


How did the war between the Dinka and Nuer start?

What is A Nuer rebel officer, Riek Machar, tried to topple the rebels’ supreme commander, a Dinka named John Garang