Nya's Story 1
Nya's Story 2
Salva's Story 1
Salva's Story 2
Salva's Story 3

How old was Nya in the beginning of the book?

Eleven years old


How many trips did Nya make to the pond for water each day? How long did it take her?

She made one trip per day.  It took her 8 hours (4 hours there and another 4 hours back)

How old was Salva when war came to his village?

11 years old


What did Salva call the old woman who lived in the house, where he slept in the barn? Why?

" Auntie".  It is a term of respect


What was the last obstacle Salva's group had to overcome before making it to the refugee camp?

The Akobo Desert


What was the official language of the Sudanese government?

Arabic language


Why did Nya's family live at the big lake 5 months out of the year?

The pond by their village dried up and they needed to move closer to another water source


How many brothers and sisters did Salva have?

Salva had three brothers and two sisters


Who is Marial? What happened to him?

Marial was Salva's friend and companion.  Sadly, he was eaten by a lion


Only days before they arrived at the refugee camp, what did members from the Nuer tribe do to Salva's group?

The men from the Nuer tribe robbed the group and killed Uncle.


How old was Nya's younger sister Akeer?

Five years old

What did Nya like about the lake camp?
She did not have to travel to the pond.

Why was South Sudan fighting against the government?

The people in the south were of different religions and did not want to be forced to practice Islam. They wanted religious freedom


When Salva wanted to give up, what did his uncle promise him?

He promised to stay with Salva and protect him


How long was Salva at the Itang Refugee camp?

Salva was at the refugee camp for 6 years


Why did Nya's mother want her to take Akeer with her to collect water?

She was old enough now and had to help the family.


What did Nya's mother hate about moving to the new village?

They had no house and had to sleep in a makeshift tent. She was also afraid for her family's life because they might end up fighting with the Dinka


What happened the morning after Salva slept in the barn with the other villagers from Loun-Ariik?

They left without him.


What two events occurred when Salva's group stayed on the island in the middle of the Nile River?

Most of the group had to beg for food and everyone in the group was attacked by millions of mosquitos


What is the name of the river between Ethiopia and Sudan? What is it known for?

The Gilo River. It is known for its treacherous currents and crocodiles


How did Akeer get sick? What were her symptoms?

She became sick after drinking contaminated water. She had stomach cramps, fever and diarrhea


Each  village had a leader.  Who was the leader of Nya's village?

Her uncle


What is the longest river in the world? The mother of all life in Sudan?

The Nile River


Where did Uncle say he was going after he took Salva to the refugee camp?

He was going back to Sudan to fight in the war


Miraculously, Salva made it across the Gilo River.  Where did he go after that?

After Salva crossed the Gilo River, he went to Kakuma, another refugee camp in Kenya.

*He was there for about two years