Nya's Story
Salva's Story
Southern Sudan
Making Inferences
More Inferences

Nya's Gender

What is female?


Salva's Gender

What is Male?


An event that is having a negative effect on Salva's life right now

What is the Civil War?


Salva was scared to death of the gunshots that he heard while inside the school. What can you infer about his character?

He has never experienced violence before.

Nya's tribe stays away from the lake when the Dinka tribe is there. What inferences can you make here?
They are in conflict.

The Year Nya's Story takes place in?

What is 2008?


The year Salva's Story takes place in

What is 1985?


The reason for the Civil War

What is Religion (Islam), Government trying to make everyone Muslim


Nya got a thorn stuck in her foot on her journey, but dug it out and kept walking. What can you infer about what kind of person she is?

She is determined, hardcore, etc.

Both Dinka boys, Salva and Marial, are separated from their families. What kind of inference can you make about the time they are living in?
That a lot of people from the Dinka tribe missing their families in this time.

The name of Nya's Tribe

What is Nuer?


The name of Salva's Tribe

What is Dinka?

Factors that make the environment where Nya lives dangerous. 

What is lack of water and/or thorns?


Salva recognized the person as Dinka because of the scars on their face. This person cared for him and helped him on his journey. What can you infer about Dinka culture from this fact?

Dinka use the scars to recognize each other, they care about those in the same tribe as them

Salva and Marial didn't even mind the bee stings that they got from the honey. What can you infer about this situation.
That the honey tasted good. It is a rare thing to eat, especially in this time.

The name of Nya's younger sister

Who is Akeer?


The name of a friend that Salva made

Who is Buksa or Marial?


The name for the tribe Buksa is from and their special skill

What is Jur-Chol/following bird call to beehive?


Nya's mom tells her to take her younger sister Akeer with her on her journey to get water one day. After protesting, Nya is obedient and takes her sister. What can you infer from this quote about culture?

It is important to be obedient to your parents; it is important for young people to begin learning their responsibilities early.

When Salva heard the person's voice, turned around and saw them, his face showed amazement and his mouth dropped open. Make and inference!
It's someone he recognizes.

Nya's primary responsibility

What is carrying water in a desert every day for hours?


Salva's primary motivation

What is finding his family?


These two tribes are constantly in conflict over water

Who are the Nuer and Dinka

Both Nya and Salva are combatting adversity for the sake of their families. What can you infer about family in their culture?
Family is the most important thing in life/culture
The place that the "Lost Boys" were fleeing to from the war.