Nya's Story
Salva's Story
Southern Sudan
Making Inferences

"Nya frowned when she saw the water coming from the borehole." What signpost is this?

What is Contrasts & Contradictions?


What saved Salva's life when he entered the Gilo River?

What is being dragged down under the water?


The author shows the reader that time goes on in chapter 12 while Salva was in the Itang Refugee camp in Ethiopia. How much time has passed?

What is 6 years?


Salva was eager to have a Coca-Cola on the trip to the U.S. Why?

What is Salva remembers this moment because it was another example of the closeness he had with his family?

Nya's tribe stays away from the lake when the Dinka tribe is there. What inferences can you make here?
They are in conflict.

During the drilling process, Nya observed, "the bag sprang a leak.  The leak had to be patched.  The patch sprang a leak.  The crew patched the patch.  Then the bag sprang another leak.  The drilling could not go on" (73).  The purpose of including this passage was to suggest?

What is the problems the workers faced?


In America, boys like Salva were called "The Lost Boys".  What did this phrase mean?

What is these boys lost their homes and families because of the war?


The reason for the Civil War

What is Religion (Islam), Government trying to make everyone Muslim


Nya got a thorn stuck in her foot on her journey, but dug it out and kept walking. What can you infer about what kind of person she is?

She is determined, strong


Why was Nya surprised that a Dinka drilled the well in her village?

What is both tribes have been fighting each other for years?


Now that there is water in Nya's village, what are some things the villagers plan to build?

What is a school, market, clinic?


When Salva was on the plane returning to Rochester from seeing his father, he kept thinking about what he could do to help.  This question foreshadowed:

What is Salva became a water project leader?


At the end of chapter 12, the Ethiopian soldiers ordered Salva and the other people of the refugee camp to:

What is the camp AND Ethiopia?


Salva recognized the person as Dinka because of the scars on their face. This person cared for him and helped him on his journey. What can you infer about Dinka culture from this fact?

Dinka use the scars to recognize each other, they care about those in the same tribe as them


After Uncle died, how did the group that Salva was traveling with treat Salva?

What is they treated him as their leader?


How will a school in the village change things for Nya?

What is she can learn to read & write?


How was the environment in Rochester different than Sudan?

What is there weren't many dirt roads, it snowed a lot, they had electricity.


When Salva reached the Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya, it took him 1.5 years, and he led ________ boys to safety.

What is 1,200?


“Each time a list was posted; Salva’s heart would pound as he read the names.  He tried not to lose hope.  At the same time he tried not to hope too much”.  Which of the following signpost is being represented at this point?

What is Contrasts & Contradictions? 


Salva struggles with how he is going to go on after having lost his uncle, his friend Marial, and his family.  Which of the following conflicts is this?

What is Character vs. Self?


"An iron giraffe.  A red giraffe that made very loud noises."  What is the "red giraffe"?

What is a tall drill?


Which water-borne illness was Salva's father suffering from?

What is Guinea Worms?


These two tribes are constantly in conflict over water

Who are the Nuer and Dinka

Both Nya and Salva are combatting adversity for the sake of their families. What can you infer about family in their culture?
Family is the most important thing in life/culture
The place that the "Lost Boys" were fleeing to from the war.