Scatterplot/ Line of best Fit
Making Predicitions
Independent/ Dependent Events
Reliable Sampling
What is a scatterplot used for and what kind of relationships that can coexsist in them?
They are used the show if their is a relationshipbetween 2 variables. Positive Negitive No
There are 200 balls in a box. 20 of them are green, 125 of them are yellow ,15 of them are blue, 10 of them are white, and 30 of them are black. what is the probability of picking the ball that relates to a sunflower?
You have a 72.5% chance of picking a color in relation to a sunflower.
One is not affected by an event that happened befor it and the other is affected by an event that happened befor it.
What is an independent and a dependent event?
A survey/test of your office is used to estimate the average alcohol users in Alberta. Explain how this does not provide accurate information about it's population?
We have to consider alcohol users from all offices and not from one office.
What is the appropriate graph for a set of data that shows the weather for a weeklong period?
A line graph
What is the object that is placed between the 2 extreems in a scatterplot
A line of best fit
In a bag, their are 45 white cans of paint, 76 green Cans of paint, 38 blue Cans of paint, and 54 red Cans of paint. An artist wants to paint a mural for the school. He wishes to paint an image of a clown in a park he has enough paint to cover the entire area.what is the probability that he will need to buy mare paint of one colour to finish it?
If a dice is rollen and a marble is taken from a bag of marbles, is the next number rollen on the dice affected by either of the outcomes of the events that happened befor it, and why.
No, it is an independent event.
Explain why data from the quality of wine in Ontario is collected from a sample and not the population?
When the wine has been sampled it cannot be sold or used, also it would be impossible to take measurements from all the wine in Ontario
What graph is used to graph a set of data  measuremnts that describe the soil temperature at one period of time?
A bar graph
A scatterplot has 134 points placed between the numbers 21 and 678, at what points wil the line of best fit be drawn from?
21 and 678
Polydactyly (having 6 fingers) is a dominant trait, which means that it will show up in the offspring 100% of the time when the dominant trait is paired up with a recessive or dominant trait. This fact is true but, research proves that 1 out of every 75 people in a population have polydactyly. If this fact is true what is the probability that will's grandchildren will have polydactyly, if he has a 1/75 chance of inheriting it?
he has a 1/421,875 chance of having polydactyly, or a 0.000237% chance.
a dice is rollen 4 times, the outcomes are as follows, 2, 3, 6, 1. a marble is taken from a bag of marbles which contains 3 black marbles, 7 blue marbles, and 2 red marbles, the outcomes are a follows, black, red, red, blue. a spinner with the numbers 1- 8 printed on it, the outcomes where 2, 4, 8, 7. and a card is drawn from a deck of cards, the outcomes where red, red, red, black. Which of the events where independent and which where dependent?
independent: dice, spinner dependent: bag of marbles, deck of cards
How would you collect data to find the average age of drivers in Alberta?
There are too many drivers, it might be impractical to obtain data from every driver.
A graph reads that global warming has drastically changed the temparature in a small town. It reads that on DAY 1 the Temperature was 22 degrees, on DAY 2 it was 35 degrees, DAY 3 = 48 degrees, DAY 4 = 61 degrees, DAY 5 = 74 degrees. ( these are all celsius measurements) If the temperatue inclines, following this same variable difference, for the next three days, and then declines for the next two days, what will be the temparature on DAY 10?
87 degrees.
A line of best fit is drawn between the numbers 44 and 45 on a scatterplot, what kind of corilation is being represented on this scatterplot?
a positive corrilation
Statitics prove that 1 out of every 10 people in every population are left handed. For the past three years all of Nick's math teachers have been left handed. What is the probability that Nick will have a left handed math teacher for four years in a row?
1/10,000; or 0.01%
green:a bag of marbles contains 32 black marbles, 64 green marbles, 29 red marbles, 42 blue marbles, and 48 yellow marbles. the first time the marble taken out was a red marble, the second time a yellow marble was drawn, the thrid time a red marble, the fourth a green marble, the fifth thime a yellow marble, the sixth time a black marble, the seventh a blue marble, the eighth a green marble, the nineth a black marble. What is the probability of taking a red marble the next time and a green marble the time after that? (express answer in a percent)
red: 13.1% green: 30.2%
How does the Rating point and the Share help telvision stations know which programs are most popular?
The rating points represents the number of households watching the show, and the share is the percent of television sets in use. If these measurements are higher in the duration of the show, the show is more popular.
A graph states that the populatin of an ares (500 000 000) has 23000 people that are left handed one year, the next year it states that 23002 are left handed, the next year 23006 people are left handed, the fourth year 23014 people are left handed this pattern continues for the next 3 years, the next 3 years the patter continues but it dclines at half what it orignaly the pattern stated at at year 11, the it decreaces twice the amount the orignal pattern would sugest, had it continued without being cut in half when it started decreasing, how many people are right handed in this population on year 11?
499 979 367
The extreems on a scatterplot are 34 and 892, 45 points lie in the vincinity of the line of best fit, 87 lye towards the top of the scatterplot, 94 to the bottem, what kind of corrilation is being shown here?
A no corrilation
A park manager has 100 blue baloons, 30 green baloons, 70 yellow baloons, and 50 red baloons. He wishes to connect the the baloons to make the longest (most colorful) baloon strand in the world. The pattern he plans to arrange the baloons in is Red, Blue,Green, Yellow. when he runs out of a certain color he continues the pattern without it. When he has run out of all the colors except one he ends the pattern. What is the probability that he will have 40 or more remaining blue baloons at the end of the pattern?
a card is drawn from a deck and a dice is rolled. what is the probability that you will roll a 6 14 times in a row and drawing the cards 9 of dimonds 3 of clubs king of spades jack of clubs ace of spades 2 of hearts 5 of hearts 4 of clubs 8 of dimonds 7 of spades jack of hearts king of clubs ace of hearts 9 of clubs all in a row if they arn't replaced each time? (express answer as a percent)
dice: 16.7% cards: 2.2%
Research proves that 37 out of 334 people in a population in canada have lung cancer. Research also proves that 27 out of each of the 37 people who have lung cancer are smokers. What do you think would have been the most reliable way(s) of obtaining this information? A) They collected data from 334 specific people and then extracted data from the 37 people who had lung cancer to find out that they were smokers. B)they collected the data from the prisoners in jail. C) They collected data from 334 random people and then extracted data from the 37 people who had lung cancer to find out that they were smokers. D) A and C E) C and G F) They had a convention that contained that contained 925 people who had lung cancer and to thier suprise 675 of them were smokers. G) they had a convention that contained 3700 people who had lung cancer, and to thier suprise 270 of them were smokers. H) C and F
the answer is H: C and F could both be correct but C is more convenient, and F would give more reliable results.
a double bar graph show the growt of grass and the amount of rain that had fallen, it states that day 1 had the grass grow 3cm and it receved 5cm of rain, day 10 stated that 4cm and it receved 10cm of rain, day 20 stated that the grass grew 5cm and it receved 15cm of rain. if this pattern continues, by day 130, how tall would the grass be and how much water would it have receved, also, how tall would the grass be and how musch total wate would it haved receved?
the grass grew 14cm and it receved 65cm of rain. in total it grew 102cm and it receved 455cm of rain