Act I
Act II
Act IV
Act V
Why has Egeus brought his daughter and her two suitors to Theseus?
What is to have Theseus make a decision regarding Hermia and her unwillingness to marry Lysander
What does Oberon tell Puck to do about Demetrius and Helena?
What is put the love nectar in Demetrius's eyes and place Helena next to him so that he sees her when he wakes
Why do the rest of the actors run off when Bottom reappears?
What is because he now has a donkey head.
Why must the artisans hurry to the Duke's palace?
What is because he has already dined and is about to choose the play they will watch for the evening.
What does Oberon tell the fairies to do to all of the couples?
What is bless their beds.
What is Theseus's ruling concerning Hermia?
What is that she die or become a nun
Why does Puck anoint Lysander's eyes?
What is because he thinks that he is Demetrius due to the Athenian clothing.
What does Hermia accuse Demetrius of doing?
What is killing Lysander.
What opinion do the other artisans now have of Bottom since they think he is lost?
What is that he is irreplaceable and valuable to the group.
Who does Puck address at the play’s end?
What is the audience.
How does Lysander's comment about Demetrius's previous love affair with Helena complicate things?
What is because Demetrius has already been involved romantically with Helena in the past.
Why does Hermia insist Lysander sleep a little ways from her?
What is because she wants to maintain her modesty/innocence.
Of what does Hermia accuse Helena?
What is stealing her love Lysander.
Why does Titania give Oberon the child?
She is under the spell of the love nectar and only cares for Bottom.
What is Hippolyta's reaction to the play?
What is that it is the silliest thing she has ever seen.
What do Lysander and Hermia plan to do about this seemingly impossible situation?
What is they plan to go to Lysander's aunt's house and elope
Why won't Titania give up the changeling/boy to Oberon?
What is because it was her servant's child; she died and Titania vowed to raise him as her own.
How are the actors going to keep from scaring the ladies when Pyramus kills himself or when the lion roars?
What is they will write a prologue to explain their actions.
Finding the two couples asleep in the wood, and learning of their more balanced love, what order does Theseus give?
What is he orders that they should follow him and Hippolyta to be married in the temple.
Why does Theseus dismiss the stories of the four young people?
What is because love can make you do strange things beyond your control.
Where do the actors meet the following night?
What is at the Dukes Oak/woods under the moonlight.
What are Oberon's plans for Titania?
What is to place the love nectar upon her eyes and have her awake to a vile creature so that he can obtain the changeling from her.
How does Lysander feel about Hermia after the love nectar is placed on his eyes?
What is as if he had never loved her before; in love with Helena.
What is Oberon's reaction to Titania's infatuation with Bottom?
What is he pities her for what he has done.
Who said it? “If we shadows have offended, Think but this, and all is mended, That you have but slumber’d here While these visions did appear. And this weak and idle theme, No more yielding but a dream.”
Who is Puck