Who is the queen and king of the fairies?
Titania, Oberon
Who is Helena in love with?
Does Robyn take responsibility for his mistake?
Who are the people performing the play?
The workers
Why does Helena tell Demetrius about Lysander and Hermia's plan?
Because she wants him to notice her.
Who is the fairy that works with Oberon?
Robyn the puck
What two characters are in love in the beginning of Act I?
Lysander and Hermia
When Robyn puts the "Love Flower" on Titania who does she fall in love with?
Who thinks he can play all of the characters?
What does Robyn do to Bottom?
Makes his head a donkey head
What mistake did Robyn make with the "Love Flower"
He gave it to Lysander instead of Demetrius
What does Helena think Lysander and Demetrius are doing when they confess their love to her?
She thinks its a prank/joke
Who does Lysander fall in love with when he wakes up?
Who are they performing this play for?
The duke for his wedding.
What is Egeus so upset?
The fact that Hermia is refusing to marry Demetrius.
What did Oberon want from Titania?
The small Indian boy.
Who are the four young lovers?
Helena, Hermia, Lysander, Demetrius
What does Hermia think happened to Lysander when she meets Demetrius?
She thinks Demetrius killed him
What character are the workmen afraid will scare the ladies?
A lion.
Why does Robyn like causing mischief and chaos?
Because he's a puck.
Who are Titania's fairy servants?
Peaseblossom, Cobweb, Moth, Mustardseed
Which two characters decide to elope?
Lysander and Hermia
What does Hermia think Helena is making fun of when they are fighting?
Her height
What play are they acting out?
Pyramus and Thisbe
What city does the play take place?