This is Conor's age.
What is 13?
The Taxus baccata is the scientific name for this type of tree, of which the Monster takes its form.
What is the yew?
This is what Conor's mum believes is her "last option".
What is a new treatment made from yew trees?
This is the name of Conor's dad.
What is Liam?
Conor's grandmother forbids him from playing these at her house.
What are video games?
Harry says that THIS is the worst thing he can think to do to Conor.
What is ignore him?
In its First Tale, the Monster tells Conor that it saved this character from being burned at the stake.
What is the Queen?
This is the number of years that Conor's mum says that she wishes she could give him.
What is 100?
What is America?
This is how Grandma punishes Conor for destroying her sitting room.
What is she does not punish him?
In the Fourth Tale, this is the "truth" that the Monster tells Conor to speak.
What is that Conor "can’t stand knowing that she’ll go," that he just wants her death to come and take her?
In the Second Tale, the Monster tells Conor that THIS is "half of all healing [. . .] the cure, [. . .] the future that awaits".
What is "belief"?
In Conor's final nightmare, this is how his mum falls over the cliff.
What is by the hands of the creature below the cliff pulling her down into the darkness?
This is the unpleasant nickname Conor's dad calls him.
What is "Champ"?
Rather than cook, this is what Conor's grandma serves him for dinner one evening.
What is Chinese food?
These three important words end the note that Lily hands Conor in English class.
What are "I see you"?
In the Third Tale, the Monster tells Conor that doing THIS made other people finally see the Invisible Man.
What is "called for a Monster"?
This is the time that Conor's mum is expected to die.
What is 12:07am?
This is the name of Conor's stepmother.
What is Stephanie?
Grandma brings these to the hospital for Conor's mother.
What are wigs?