Who was the First President?
George Washington
Where did the colonist throw the English tea?
Boston Harbor
George Washington had what role in the army?
Commander in Chief
The American bird is the….
Who was in charge of the colonies before the war?
The King
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
What river did Washington go across on Christmas Day?
Who fought for the colonies and how fast did they get ready?
The fifty stars represent what on our flag?
Name one of the three colonies we studied.
Who told everyone “the British are coming”?
Paul Revere
What is the name of Jefferson’s home in Virginia?
Who fought for the King?
Why did they hid the liberty bell outside of Philadelphia?
They were worried the Red Coats would burn it down.
What did the king tax?
Tea and Stamps
Betsy Ross made what???
American Flag
Mount Vernon
What country helped the colonist?
What bird is Ben Franklin want?
The Turkey
What did they do at the continental congress?
-wrote a letter to the king
-signed the declaration
-appointed George Washington Commander and Chief
Who went to England to parliament to lower taxes and then went to France to get help for the war?
Benjamin Franklin
Where did the last battle take place?
Who did the British get help from?
What is the name of the bell in Philadelphia?
Liberty Bell
What was it like in the winter for George Washington and his army?
It was cold and they were very hungry.