Correspondence of end sounds of words at the end of a series of line of poetry
End Rhyme
A regularly repeated line or group of lines in a poem or song
Their eyes were diamonds
Internal Rhyme
Correspondence of end sounds of words within lines of poetry
Poetry that does not have a regular rhyme scheme or a regular meter
Free Verse
A poem usually addressed to a particular person, object or event that has stimulated deep and noble feelings in the poet
Buzzz sang the bee
A figure of speech in which contradictory words appear next to each other
Ideas or concepts that cannot be experienced through the senses (intangible). Examples: eternity or liberty
Abstract Language
Concrete Language
Specific, tangible objects that can be experienced through our senses. Helps create imagery and understanding. Examples: broken clock or pile of books
The kite nodded and winked across the sky
Cacophony (or Dissonance)
A harsh, inharmonious, discordant mixture of sounds
A verse form consisting of 14 lines with a fixed rhyme scheme
A Sonnet
The volta, or turn, is a rhetorical shift or dramatic change in thought and/or emotion. (all forms, but particularly in sonnets)
The whole continent knows my middle name
A highly structured poem made up of five tercets followed by a quatrain, with two repeating rhymes and two refrains.
A metrical foot consisting of one short syllable followed by one long syllable or of one unstressed syllable followed by one stressed syllable
A regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry
Spicy, tepid red mug of cider
A metrical unit in poetry, composed of one stressed and one or more unstressed syllables
A Foot