Set A
Set B
Set C
Set D
Set E

How can you relate these four units?

Skills for learning


emotion management

problem solving

Syllabus for SEL curriculum


Which teaching method has the highest retention rate?



learning by doing

peer teaching

Peer teaching


A difference between talking and communication

Talking is just passing a message or idea without expecting a goal. 

Communication is a process of conveying an idea or information with a goal set. Communication can be Verbal, non-verbal, or written.


The forum to ask and answer queries with colleagues around the world is called

a. IB exchange

b. IB Programme Communities

c. IB Programme Resource Center

d. IB learning resources (Nano PD)

b. IB Programme Communities


How to add shapes, stickers, photos, images to Canva presentation?

  • Select the elements menu from the left of Poster and search for shapes, stickers etc.
  • Select Photos from left side menu.
  • Select templates to select any stickers

How many disabilities are listed in the RPwD 2016 act?

What is the aim and objective of RPwD 2016?


The Preamble of the Act provides that it is aimed at protecting disabled people from all sorts of discrimination. The Act seeks to ensure the full social, political, and economic participation of disabled people. This Act promotes inclusive education and provides employment safeguards for disabled people.


Expand DRsABC

Danger Response Shout Airway Breathing CPR


What are the different types of questions?

Inquiry questions: Factual, Conceptual, Debatable


Name any two factors that affect classroom management. 

Classroom environment

Teacher-student relationship 

Student's personal issues


Name any two strategies proposed by Roots and Shoots for the school community.

Butterfly Garden

Doing events in the school around the Roots and Shoots calendar

Kitchen Garden


Which of these is not an element of emotional intelligence?

a. social skills

b. empathy

c. collaboration

d. self awareness



When can we use a 321 bridge?

Before and after a class


Name any three strategies of concept based learning?

Venn-diagram, Graphic Organizers, Concept mapping 


We discussed about different differentiation strategies. Can you explain any three of the strategies. 

1. Differentiation could be based on differentiated instruction on any of the Content, Process or Product. 

Examples: Match the following/True or False or any objective type questions.

Reading Comprehension-Read the text given and answer the questions that follow.

Compare and contrast-Find the differences and similarities

Create a PPT or a poster on the reference given. 

Students receive same instruction, but produce different products/outcomes.


Name the ATL skills. Can you state the subskills for any two skills.

• COMMUNICATION (Give and receive feedback, listen actively to peers and teachers)

• SOCIAL (collaboration skills-Listen actively to other perspectives and ideas, Give and receive meaningful feedback )

• SELF-MANAGEMENT(organisation, affective and reflection skills)

• RESEARCH (Information and Media literacy)

• THINKING (Creative, Critical and Transfer skills)


Give 1 diff between traditional classroom and flipped classroom?

Give 1 diff between traditional classroom and problem based learning?

In a traditional classroom, teacher delivers the topic and any other necessary instructions, whereas in a flipped classroom, students take initiative in finding their answers and apply the knowledge gained through research/reading.


Thinking routines can be broadly classified into 4 types.

a. Routines for introducing and exploring ideas

b. Routines for synthesizing and organizing ideas

c. Routines for digging deeper into ideas

d. Routines for giving feedback

Give 1 example of each type.

a. Zoom in, compass point, 321 bridge, see think wonder, chalk talk

b. CSI, headlines, used to think

c. What makes you say that?   sentence phrase word, tug of war

d.321, reflection


Music/Movement helps in the following development:

a. Cognitive development

b. Cultural awareness

c. Motor skills

d. Emotional regulation

Justify the following statement.

Music provides multisensory learning experience that improves students' cognitive development by enhancing memory, problem solving skills and focus.

Cultural awareness is created by listening to variety of music and styles from various cultures. They learn to appreciate diversity.

c. Motor skills: These are improved by dancing (moving) and singing, gross motor skills and spatial awareness are also enhanced, when students sing, dance or play instruments.

d. Emotions are controlled or regulated as music has a soothing effect and reduces anxiety or stress.


On what basis can teachers differentiate instructions?

Teachers can differentiate the following: Content - Using Bloom's taxonomy in choosing the tasks/levels. Determines the students' readiness or prior knowledge. 

Process - Inquiry-based approach in teaching where the teacher uses various resources and activities to teach

Product - Students demonstrate their understanding through projects/PPT/Sketches/Articles etc

Learning environment - Students feel safe to ask questions and the classroom is free from distractions


Identify the following types of play:

a. This play involves two or more children playing side-by-side without interacting. Children may observe other children in the playground or mimic their actions.

b. When children play together, but have different ideas and goals. For example, talking to each other and playing with the same toys, but doing different things.

c. An important way for building and developing gross and fine motor skills, and many of these skills are used for life. 

d. Children start to play on their own. Children do not notice other children sitting or playing nearby.

a. Parallel play

b. Social Play

c. Physical play

d. Independent or solitary play.


What are the four types of Inquiry Based Learning?

Which of these is the most advanced form of inquiry?

Structured, Guided, Free, Open 

Open Inquiry because it has low teacher control and high student initiative. 


Identify the key concept stated below and give an example of building the concept in your unit:

a. This Key Concept deals with the characteristics, creation, meaning and perception of beauty and taste. 

b. This Key Concept is used as a process in making decisions about numbers, shapes, and variables. This system of reasoning provides students with a method for explaining the validity of their conclusions. 

c. This key concept is used for the exchange or transfer of signals, facts, ideas and symbols. 

d. The key concept that refers to the particular features that define individuals, groups, things, eras, places, symbols and styles. 

e. This key concept encompasses a range of learned and shared beliefs, values, interests, attitudes, products, ways of knowing and patterns of behaviour created by human communities. 

a. Aesthetics-Students can analyze a given portrait, through discussion or written work, the use of colors/symmetry etc in arts.

b. Logic-through finding a solution to a given problem using their logical reasoning

c. Communication-Students can create a poster or write an article using the data given. 

d. Identity-Students will read a given text and identify the particular era, characters, styles or things that prevailed. 

e. Culture-Students can create a mind-map showing the different values, beliefs, interests etc of a particular group or community


Identify the learner's profile:

a. Paul interviewed his grandma to find out more about life as an immigrant after WWII

b. Sally listened to the opinions of others before making a decision.

c. John stood in front of the class and gave his first presentation.

d. I think about my learning. 

e. I am healthy and I take good care of myself.

a. Paul was an Inquirer

b. Sally was -Open minded

c. John was a - Risk taker

d. I am- Reflective

e. I am-Balanced 


Create a Frayer model for ASD.

You have 2 mins to do this.

descriptive answer


Give examples to contrast between growth mindset and fixed mindset based on the following traits:

1. Failures

2. Intelligence

3. Other People's success

4. Feedback

5. Change

1. Failure is considered as normal, a stepping stone for success and it is a form of learning in growth mindset, whereas fixed mindset considers it as mistakes or end of learning. 

2. Intelligence is renewable and with practise and can be increased in growth mindset. In fixed mindset, it is stagnant and considered a quality not enhanced.

3. Growth mindset considers other people's success as learning tips and practical guide or experiences, but fixed mindset will feel jealous and uncomfortable. They would not be appreciative.

4. Feedback is inevitable and is used for constructive purposes in growth mindset. In fixed mindset it is considered as pointing out errors or isolating and targeting the person.

5. Change is considered as progressive and essential for growth mindset, where as fixed mindset finds it difficult to adapt and change according to the requirement.