Why the nosy neighbor came to visit the Youngers' apartment?
What is to bring a newspaper of a neighborhood bombing and gossip about the racial violence?
The time period the play is set in
What is the 1960's
What is Walter feeling misunderstood by his family and no one listens to him
The character who gets everyone ready each day and runs the house
Who is Ruth Younger
Who is Lorraine Hansberry
The new house symbolizes what for Mama?
What is a better living situation for her family and a shared dream with her dead husband
Why does Mama slap Beneatha
What is Beneatha's states that there is no God
Walter's two "friends" who want him to join them in buying a liquor store
Who are Willie and Bobo
This character has the desire to be close to Beneatha Younger
Who is Joseph Asagai
Why Ruth was upset when Walter gave Travis the money?
What is because they didn't have money to spare and Walter didn't support Ruth's authority
What is the phrase Ruth says every day that makes Walter angry?
What is "eat your eggs"
What is the main conflict between the Youngers
What is how to spend the money/check
What does Walter want from Ruth
What is for her support in his dream and listen to him talk
This character has the desire to live the American Dream by being wealthy and of high status
Who is Walter Younger
Why Beneatha is interested in Joseph Asagai
What is they have a similar love of African culture, learning and education, and supporting each other's dreams
What is Mama's opinion on the liquor store?
What is Mama thinks the liquor store is morally wrong and a risky investment and bad for the community
What causes Mama to abruptly leave at the end of Act 1
What is Walter is a disgrace to his father's memory and does not try to support Ruth with the new baby
What does Beneatha mean when she hates assimilationists?
What is Beneatha hates African Americans who forget their culture and become like the American culture
This character is constantly taking too long in the apartment's shared bathroom
Who is Mr. Johnson?
Why is Walter continually fighting with Ruth throughout Act 1?
What is Walter feeling unsupported in his dreams and that Ruth doesn't listen to him
What does the Younger family's apartment symbolize?
What is financial struggles, poverty, and the limitations of their current lives
Why does Ruth collapse and feel sick throughout scene 1?
What is Ruth is pregnant
How are Walter and Beneatha different from Mama?
What is: they are not satisfied with their current life, want a life with money, don't value freedom, less traditional & religious