When was William Faulkner born?
Where is Emily's funeral held?
Her House
Name one character in the book.
Emily Grierson
Homer Barron
Judge Stevens
Mr. Grierson
Who are the townspeople always watching?
What college did William Faulkner attend?
University of Mississippi
What was Emily seen buying at the drug store?
What is the name of Emily's love interest?
Homer Barron
What does Emily symbolize?
The old south
What honorable award did Faulkner win?
Nobel Prize
What were the townspeople complaining about regarding Emily's house?
A strong Odor
Who is Tobe?
Emily's Servant
When do the townspeople see for themselves who Emily really is?
After she dies
What does Faulkner refer A Rose for Emily as?
A ghost story
What is found on the pillow next to Homer's body?
A grey Hair
What did Mr. Grierson represent?
A controlling and looming presence.
What does the narrator compare Emily to?
A drowned Woman
What fictional county does Faulkner always set his books in?
After Emily's death what did the servant do?
He let people into her house for the funeral, walked out the back door, and never returned
Who relieved Emily of taxes when she couldn't afford them anymore?
Colonel Sartoris
What is the most important theme throughout the book?