An Elephant Never Forgets (2023 trivia review)
FILL IN THE _______
Welcome to Terredise!

Men first attended in the fall of ________; women first attended in the fall of _______.

1874 & 1995


Fix this sentence:
Deming Hall opened in 1926 and is the oldest dorm on our campus.

Deming Hall opened in 1926 and is the oldest RESIDENCE HALL on our campus.


Every two weeks you will be asked to do this if you want to get paid.

Submit your timesheet


We were recently named the 17th best college in America according to the ________________.

Wall Street Journal


In French, our city's name means this.

High Ground


These are the two deadlines for prospective students to apply during their senior year of high school.

November 1st and February 1st


During the summer, high-school students on campus are likely attending one of these three residential camps.

Rose Power, Project Select, or Operation Catapult


Where can you find A-Team task instructions, view Kudos, review quick facts on each academic department, sign-up for additional tours, and see important announcements?

A-Team Website

Bookmark it for easy access on your phone and computer:


The current student to faculty ratio is   _____:_____.



View departing planes while eating your lunch at this nearby café.

Corsair Café in the Terre Haute Regional Airport.


All decks and lofts must be at least ______ feet above the ground or at least ______ feet away from the ceiling.

3 & 3


This piece of artwork, located in both the Union and Moench Hall, helps us all breath a little better.

The Living Walls


This task is required one week after each visit and assists in adding one more layer of a personal touch to for our campus visitors.

Send Follow-Up Emails


Approximately _________% of all students live on-campus.



You can visit this event most Saturday mornings to buy fresh vegetables and local honey.

Farmer's Market at the Meadows Shopping Center


This percentage of Rose-Hulman students will complete at least one summer internship.

Over 90%


Co-founded by a 2016 Rose graduate, Sky Elements wowed us at homecoming last fall with an impressive drone show. This past summer Sky Elements earned a golden buzzer on this popular televised talent show and have since advanced to the semi-finals.

America's Got Talent


When done correctly, this process will result in a display of products that look similar despite various sizes and the final product can be thrown across the room without losing its form.

Folding our #1 shirts.


____________________ Grove will soon sit on a corner of the Hulman property and will include Rose-Hulman Ventures, a Union Health Surgical Center for Hip & Knee Replacements, STEM and Robotics educational programs, and space for the Sawmill Society to mentor emerging innovators. 

Innovation Grove


This outdoor amphitheater sits on the site of the former International Paper company in southern Vigo County.

The Mill

Scan QR code to see upcoming concerts.


During which month and year was the cornerstone laid for Moench Hall?

September, 1922


What year Rose Poly become Rose-Hulman?



The RosePod podcast began in the fall of 2023 and is hosted by which two A-Teamers?

Reese Sieger & Isaac Towne


The Office of __________________________ serves to promote a campus culture where the individual's unique presence is valued, experience is respected, and everyone belongs.

The Office of Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging


What locally owned coffee shop is located near the following sign in downtown Terre Haute?

Federal Coffee Shop


The following quote referred to which person from our history?

"[He] deliberated well and intelligently before acting, and followed the counsel of his own conviction, so he left his actions to speak for themselves."

- Secretary of the Navy, 1883

Chauncey Rose


Sally started her freshman year at Rose-Hulman and only has $50 cash to get through the first quarter before heading home for quarter break. She has to get a parking sticker for her car, receive some tutoring in the Learning Center, needs assistance creating a resume for her first Career Fair on Wednesday, October 2, and has to add at least 2 more t-shirts to make it between laundry days each week. If she still has money left over, she hopes to attend the student production of 'You Can't Take it with You' on November 1 in Hatfield Theater. 

Approximately how much of her $50 will be left if she completes everything on on her list?

Everything else is included.


What 4 word quote by Walt Whitman is good life advice for meeting new people?

Be curious, not judgmental.


You want to go on a weekend adventure, but don't want to travel more than 3 hours. You have narrowed it down to the following activities: travel 630 feet into the air by visiting the __________ in _______________, spend the day celebrating all the holidays while riding rollercoasters by going to ________________ in _________________, or head north to enjoy a classic deep-dish __________ in _______________.

Arch; St. Louis, MO

Holiday World; Santa Claus, IN

Pizza; Chicago, IL


Created by a Rose-Hulman graduate, this business located in the Terre Haute mall offers pinball, axe-throwing, video games, and a restaurant. 

Sandbox Social

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