Categories of Evil
Evil People and Characters
Curriculum on Evil
Text and Genre

What is natural evil?

An evil deed committed by people who are incapable of understanding the consequences of their actions.

E.g. mentally retarded people; people who are in a psychotic state of delusions


The man who initiated the Second World War

Adolph Hitler


Who ends up dying in Richard Matheson's short story "Button, Button"?



What characterizes a fictional text?

Made up, imaginary story


Hvad skal man altid huske i 3. pers. sing.?

-s på verbet.


What is moral evil?

Evil deeds committed by ordinary people who know what they are doing. Committed by people with a free will.


The main antagonist in J. K. Rowling's famous series "Harry Potter"

Lord Voldemort


How does Stephen King's short story "Suffer the Little Children" end?

Miss Sidley shoots all the students and has to go to therapy sessions before she kills herself


What characterizes a non-fiction text?

Factual, based on real events


Hvad er definitionen på kongruens?

Overensstemmelse mellem subjekt og verballed


What is demonic evil?

The perpetrator knows that he is doing something evil and he does it for the sake of evil


Tyrannical leader of the fictional contry Panem in Suzanne Collins' trilogy "The Hunger Games"

President Snow


What does "See no evil, hear no evil mean"?

Not dwelling on evil thoughts and willingness to turn the blind eye to the problem


What genre does the following piece of text belong to?

"When he knocked on my door and evtered the room
My tremblin subsided in his sure embrace.
He would be my first man, and with a careful hand
He swiped at the tears that ran down my face"

Poem (fiction)


Hvad er et uregelmæssigt verbum?

Et verbum, der ikke følger det normale bøjningsskema (med -ed-endelsen i præteritum). Skifter i stedet vokal.


What is idealistic evil?

The perpetrator thinks he is dong good and does it to achieve what he perceives as an ideal or objective advantage for the many.


Italian dictator from 1922-1945 and the founder of fascism

Benito Mussolini

What is the name of the female person speaking in the song "Where the Wild Roses Grow" by Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds?

Elisa Day


Which genre does the following piece of text belong to?

"This afternoon I spoke with Govenor Malloy and FBI Director Mueller. I offered Govenor Malloy my condolences on behalf of the Nation and made it clear he will have every single resource that he needs to investigate this crime..."

Speech (non-fiction)


Hvilken ordstilling bruger man som hovedregel på engelsk og hvad betyder det konkret?

Ligefrem ordstilling. Subjekt før verballed (Yesterday, I ate an apple)


What is instrumental evil?

The perpetrator knows what he is doing is evil and does it to achieve a subjective advantage for himself


Islamist and founder of the terror organization al-Queda. Oversaw the planning and execution of the terror attacks on the World Trade Centers on 9/11 2001.

Osama bin Laden


What is the question David Robson explores in the article "Psychology: the man who studies everyday evil"?

"Why are some people extraordinarily selfish, manipulative, and unkind?"


What is "bias"?

A "colored" portrayal of reality. The author's subjective opinion shines through

Hvad er do-omskrivning og i hvilke tre tilfælde bruger man det på engelsk?

Brugen af "to do" som hjælpeverbum.

- Ved spørgsmål (Do you want to help me?)
- Ved nægtelser med 'not' (He did not want to help me)
- Ved betoning (We do want to help you)