According to this myth, he was the one who got school cancelled.
Who is Jonathan
He parlez-vous francais
Who is Amiel?
Most popular Boy's/Men's name in our family
What is Tzvi?
What is the only seasoning Saba likes on his food?
Tzvi and Daniella got engaged here
Where is Turkey Hill
It was NOT Crystal Light!
What was the powder that Chanoch drank?
Our NHL wannabees
Who are Tzvi Z and Gedaliah F?
This new dad just turned 25!
Who is Yaakov Kahn?
Cholent and Potato Kugel
What can you always get on Friday afternoon at the Hoenlein house?
He doesn't roll on Shabbos
Who is the Dude's friend?
She was framed for painting the toilet seat red
Who is Bubby?
She is Bubby's favorite daughter-in-law
Who is Auntie Leah?
The family's newest two drivers!
Who are Yonit and Yosef?
Baking sisters who are taking Tel Aviv by storm
What is the Mirkitchen?
Josh Fink and Tzvi Zoban
Who are the ones that got away from Carol?
Because of a deviated septum
Why did Ilana get a nose job?
The Dessert Queen of the Baltimore
Who is Tamar?
Fourth gen partners in crime
Ariella and Eli
Bubby can down four of these before noon when she is in Israel
What are Kafe Hafuch?
Snakes and Rabbits
What are the favorite Zelcer pets?
This made Saba and Grandmas Sedarim more high-spirited
What is Pot?
החתן החדש במשפחה
מי זה אלחנן?
Somehow, her birthday cards ALWAYS arrive on time!
These might still be in someone's freezer
What are Bubby Clara's Chalopshas?
Big Saba and Grandma got engaged in this city the Shabbos before Kristallnacht
What is Frankfurt Am Main