Class Expectation
Grading Policy
Classroom Etiquette
We All Speak Chinese

The first thing you do when you come to class except of being on time

Sit down at your seat and get yourself ready at the bell quietly.


This is when assignments are due.

In class, at the time when Ms. Cheng collects the assignment, NOT END OF THE DAY


This is what you do when Ms. Cheng is giving instructions to the entire class.

Remaining sitting down, pay attention, and listen quietly. 

Rules of thumb- don't do anything that is disturbing.


This is what you say to ask Ms. Cheng questions during class

郑老师, 我有问题


The three most important quality of Chinese class students

Be Respectful to peers and teachers, responsible and hard-working


Explain the five categories of assignments

Classwork, Assignment, Performance Tasks(project), tests, and quizzes


This is what you do when you need to speak in class?

Raise your hand quietly and wait for your turn to speak


This is what you say when you enter the classroom and the teacher is there.

你好!你好吗? 郑老师!

What is 事不过三?

No more than three


This is what you do with your tests and quizs when you are absent

Talk to Ms Cheng and arrange a time to make it up within 3 school days.


This is what you do when Ms. Cheng is teaching to the group and all of a sudden you need a tissue

Quietly get the tissue without disturbing the class.


This is what you say when you want to make a request, such as using the restroom, go to the locker or drink water?


我可以上厕所吗? 我可以喝水吗?

我想上厕所, 我想上厕所


The expectation of student beyond class time

You must study/ review nightly for at least 15 minutes


The consequences of late assignments and how you submit them.

You get 80% of maximum grade, and the grade continues to go down if the assignments remain missing.

"Hand" in hard copy of assignments to Ms. Cheng.

"Verbally" notify Ms. Cheng and send Ms. Cheng an seperate email if assignments are digital.


Explain the 4 voice levels in class

0- silence

1- Quiet conversation

2- Presentation

3- Applauding


This is what you say when you ask Ms. Cheng how to speak or write something in Chinese.




The definition of being prepared for class?

Come to class with needed materials(binders, writing utensils, earphones, notebook/ papers, etc)

Your Chromebook is fully charged.


Elaborate the use of digital software in World language class

1. Use the materials and your own brain first.

2. You may only use it to look up nouns, never a sentence. 

3. Write down pinyin if look up new characters.

4. Always always always confirm with Ms. Cheng.


This is what you do when you need to leave classroom in the middle of class

Have your agenda filled out properly to be signed and wait for proper time to ask to go.


This is what you say to ask for permission, such as ask to go to the locker or bathroom, ask to sharpen the pencil, get a sip of water.......

Please speak three sentences.

So many you can speak....................