The main character of A Wrinkle in Time
Meg Murray
What does the Happy Medium only like to look at?
Happy things, which is why she doesn't want to look at Earth.
Charles Wallace
What are three components (parts) of IT?
The brain, the Man with the Red Eyes, and the Black Thing
What are some of Meg's faults? Name 3
Stubbornness, Anger, Impatience
Three magical women who help the children
Mrs. Who, Mrs. Which, Mrs. Whatsit
One planet is happy and beautiful, and the other is dark and under the control of something evil. The only thing the two share is a moon. Which planets are these?
Uriel and Camazotz
"I wanted to get Charles Wallace away from IT! But I couldn’t."
Mr. Murry
What makes IT upset?
Losing control over others.
"One thing I've learned is you don't have to understand things for them to just be". What does this mean?
That there are things we can't understand or see, but we can still believe in them and know that they exist or that they are right.
This character feels different from his family and friends because he is smarter than they are.
Calvin O'Keefe
Evil, fear, and control are what represent this shadow hovering over earth, also known as:
The Black Thing (or the dark thing)
"We are one mind. We do not suffer. We do not feel. We do not hate."
The Man with the Red Eyes
How many times does The Man With the Red Eyes try to hypnotize Charles Wallace, and on which try does he succeed?
3 and on the third time
What does the Black Thing represent in the world?
Evil, fear and control.
This character is considered a "dumb baby brother" although he is actually extremely gifted and special.
Charles Wallace
What do they see in the Happy Medium's planet?
The dark thing shadowing earth, a star fighting it, and their mothers in the crystal ball.
"There is such a thing as a tesseract."
Mrs. Whatsit
How does Charles Wallace fall under IT’s control?
IT tricks him into thinking he can handle it, but then takes over his mind.
How does the book show the difference between being unique and being the same? Think of Meg's faults.
IT forces people to be the same, but real strength comes from being different.
This character speaks only in quotations and can speak Latin, Greek, French, Portuguese and other languages.
Mrs. Who
Why does Mrs. Whatsit shock Mrs. Murry when she visits?
She mentions the tesseract
"Like and equal are not the same thing at all!" Who says this?
What is the name of the place on Camazotz where IT chooses to make its home?
Central Intelligence Centre
Why is Meg’s anger important?
Because it is a fault of hers which is a gift, and could help her defeat IT.