In this boxing movie, Sylvester Stallone yells 'Adrian' after his big fight.
What is Rocky
Often used on sushi, this bright green Japanese condiment packs a spicy punch
What is Wasabi
This ancient Roman amphitheater.
What is the Colosseum
If something is really cool or impressive, Gen Z might say it's three-letter word
What is "lit"
This singer is nick named the queen of country. Recorded "jolene" and "9 to 5"
Who is Dolly Parton
In this movie, Kevin Coster hears a voice telling him, "if you build it, they will come"
This Italian rice dish is slowly cooked in broth and often flavored with saffron and mushrooms.
What is Risotto
A tower completed in 1889, is named after the engineer who built it.
What is the Eiffel Tower
When a Gen Z friend expresses agreement or approval they might use this one-word phrase
What is "bet"
This "Rocket Man" singer is know for his creative costumes and piano skills
Who is Elton John
This movie tells the story of when the U.S. beat the Soviet Union in the 1980 Olympics
What is Miracle
Made with fermented cabbage and often served as a side and has a distinctive tangy and spicy flavor.
What is Kimchi
This massive statue of Christ stands above Rio de Janeiro.
What is Christ the Redeemer
If you're lying or exaggerating, Gen Z will call you out by saying this onw-word phrase.
What is "Cap"
Artist who's real name is Aubrey Graham, started on Degrassi before becoming one of the biggest rappers in the world
Who is Drake
What animated movie feachers Michael Jordan teaming up with Bugs Bunny to play against aliens.
What is Space Jam
This famous New Orleans sandwich features fried seafood or roast beef on french bread, often dressed with lettuce, tomato, and mayo
What is a Po' Boy
In the Andes Mountains also called "the lost city"
What is Machu Picchu
This slang term, often used sarcastically, means someone is totally obsessed on in love with another person.
What is "Simp"
This singer songwriter broke through in 1988 with her self-titles debut album featuring the hit "Fast Car"
Who is Tracy Chapman
In this comedy, Amanda Bynes disguises herself as her twin brother to play on the boys' team.
What is She's The Man
Know as the "stinking rose," this pungent bulb is often used to flavor dishes worldwide and is also believed to have medical properties.
What is Garlic
A white marble mausoleum built in memory of an emperors wife.
What is the Taj Mahal
Used to describe someones good appearance or accomplishment.
What is "slay"
This legendary rock band, led by mick jagger, gave us "paint it black" and "satisfaction"
Who are the rolling stones