God created the world in ____ days.
What is "6" days?
3rd Commandment
What is "keep holy the Sabbath day"
Creator of the Universe
Who is "God"?
Honor your Father and Mother
What is the 4th Commandment?
What is the 7th commandment?
8th commandment?
What is "do not bear false witness against you neighbor"
This famous couple was known for getting kicked out of the Garden of Eden
Who is "Adam and Eve"?
You must be faithful to your husband / wife.
What is the 6th Commandment?
How many covenants are there in Salvation History?
1st Commandment
What is I am the Lord, your God. You shall not have strange gods before me.
The sign formed between God and this man was a rainbow - a sign of God's promise to never flood the world again.
Who is "Noah"?
You shouldn't kill someone (physically, verbally, emotionally, etc)
What is the 5th Commandment?
Do not commit adultery?
What is the 6th commandment?
What is "you shall not cover your neighbor's goods"
He created the 5 Arguments for God's Existence.
Who is "Thomas Aquinas"?
If it's not your item, your idea, your words, etc... don't steal it.
What is the 7th Commandment?
How many distinct persons are there in God?
What is three? (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit)
2nd Commandment
What is "Do not use God's name in vain"
This man was given the 10 Commandments by God to give to the Israelites.
Who is "Moses"?
Do not be jealous and fantasize about being with another person's significant other.
What is the 9th Commandment?