Main character has a platonic friend that she wants to date, but he starts dating another girl
What is Summer Sparks?
Needles, medication, and ultrasounds
What are doctors?
Roller skates
What is falling over a scooter and breaking my arm?
Light brown, fluffy, and kinda obese
Who is Buster?
Book to read (Just recently read)
What is Divergent?
Main character's sister dies and goes to live with her dad
What is Dear Miss Amelia?
What is trypophobia?
A piggyback ride
What is giving my sister a piggy back ride, falling onto a wall and then breaking my other arm?
Small, red, sweet, and edible
What is a strawberry?
Show (About a detective who pretends to be a psychic.)
What is Physch?
Main character is a lady and waiting for a princess
What is Majestic?
What is scrambled eggs?
I was stuck in the Emergency Room for seven hours with an IV
What is getting immense stomach pain from stress?
Kinda obvious, I do these things all the time
Movie (Live-action version of an animated movie)
What is Beauty and the Beast?
Main character's dad cheats on mom and forces her to live with him and his mistress
What is Flight?
People who make other people feel bad because of their identities and sexuality
Who are homophobes, or just bullies in general?
Had to get rescued by a life guard
What is getting caught in a rip current
Something that postpones stress and helps get stuff done
What is music
Book to write (In the past few months)
What is Majestic?
Main character is chosen to go to an academy to learn how to be a lady of the court.
What is The Academy?
A question people are ALWAYS asking me.
What is people asking "Why are you so tall?" (I don't even know how to answer it)
Going to the pool and almost punching a fourteen year old because he broke something that belonged to my little sister
What is meeting Peter?
Someone who helped me get through a hard time in my life and made me feel amazing.
Who is Hannah, my old vocal coach?
Favorite sibling(Obvious)