How do you say this number in English?
What is its name with color?
It's a black suit
How do you say "Buy" in Spanish?
Can you use it in a sentence? (100 extra points)
Example: Coffee Black
No, they don't
Example Black coffee
How do you say "¿Puedo Pasar?" in English?
May I come in?
How do you say this number in English?
Seventy four
What's the name of this thing?
It's a Necklace
How do you say "Wear" in Spanish?
Can you use it in a sentence? (100 extra points)
Llevar puesto
Is this sentence correct?
The black house is big and safe
Yes, it is.
What is another way to say "One of the best in the world"?
World class (Clase mundial)
How do you say this number?
One Thousand
A thousand
What is their name?
How do you say "Can" in Spanish?
Can you use it in a sentence? (100 extra points)
What's the meaning of "Handsome" and "beautiful"
Can you use it in a sentence? (50 extra points)
Guapo (Masculino)
How do you pronounce Can and Can't?
/kən/ /kant/
Just make the sounds
How do you say this number in English?
Nine hundred, thirty-eight
What is the name of these?
Those are grey sweat pants
How do you say "Andar en bici" in English?
Can you use it in a sentence? (100 extra points)
Ride a bike
What's the meaning of "Young" and "Old"
Can you use it in a sentence? (50 extra points)
Joven y mayor (Viejo)
Can you say the days of the week?
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
How do you say this number?
Four thousand, five hundred, sixty-seven
What are these? (100 extra points if you say the color)
They are a beige hat (Beanie), scarf, and beige gloves.
How do you say these verbs in Spanish?
Can you use one in a sentence? (100 extra points)
1. Listen
2. Read
3. Speak
4. Write
1. Escuchar
2. Leer
3. Hablar
4. Escribir
What are the adjectives to describe a Day?
(100 for each)
Windy (Ventoso)
Warm (Calido)
Rainy (Lluvioso)Snowy (Nevado)
Can you explain the difference between This, these, that and those?