Creator sends this animal down to make daily rounds
What is Migizi
When you don't feel like cooking, food comes from this place
What is wiisiniwigamig
Niizhtana Ashi Niizh is a famous Taylor Swift song in Ojibwe
What is twenty two
North is associated with this color
What is waabishkaa (white)
Mino giizhigad is a common greeting in the English language
What is Good Day
For a little creature, it has a big name
What is Waawaabiganooji
Mashkikiwiigamig has all of your needs when you are not feeling well
What is a drug store
White Stripes claimed this number of Nations in their army
What is Niizhwaswi
What is red
An old saying sailors went by entailed a Red sky, which translates this to Ojibwe
What is Miskwanakwad
In Ojibwe, this animal translates to prairie cow
What is Mashkode bizhiki
For a road trip, you would need to stop here first
What is waasamo bimide adaawe wigamig
Bezhig is how many Queen stated "gone" in their song
What is "Another One Bites the Dust"
This can be known as the North direction, or a weather term
What is Giwedin
Gimiwan is this weather term in English
What is "it is raining"
Zhigaag is the Ojibwe name for this famous US city
What is Chicago
This place would have everything your sweettooth craves
ziinzibaakwadoons adaawewigaming
The Sound of Music featured a song about this number, also known as sweet
What is ashi ningodwaaswi
The direction where the sun rises in the morning
What is Waaban
Zoogipon is usually a term best heard around Christmas
What is "it is snowing"
This animal gave its life to create the Earth
What is Wazhashk
Bakwezhiganwigamig has a lot more than what its name suggests
What is bakery (bread store)
5 Seconds of Summer, Alice Cooper, and One Direction all sang about this number
ashi nishwaaswi
This dark color is associated with the Western direction?
This type of weather will make you sweat
What is "gizhaate"