[John] kicked the ball.
HE kicked the ball.
I kicked [the ball].
I kicked IT.
That book over there is _______. (I)
That book over there is MINE.
I think Amal likes _____ new car. (She)
I think Amal likes HER new car.
What day is it today?
Points for correct day.
[Mary] eats cake.
SHE eats cake.
I need to say something to [John].
I need to say something to HIM.
The cat is ______. (She)
The cat is HERS.
His cat likes _____ food. (It)
His cat likes ITS food.
What is the capital city of Saudi Arabia?
Yusuf and I talk about pronouns.
WE talk about pronouns.
They want to give me and Mary books.
They want to give US books.
During club, this classroom is ______.
During club, this classroom is OURS.
Give me _____ phone back!
Give me MY phone back!
What verb do we use for the Aircon?
Switch ON / Switch OFF
John and Mary like to play football.
THEY like to play football.
I have to give something to Amal.
I need to give something to HER.
Everything belongs to the King, it is all _____.
Everything belongs to the King, it is all HIS.
We have to write ______ names on the paper.
We have to write OUR names on the paper.
What is eighteen plus forty-nine?
sixty-seven (67)
John makes the food and his cat eats the food.
HE makes the food and IT eats the food.
Let Jason and Matt go first.
Let THEM go first.
Amal has a snack, but her cat thinks it's ________.
John and his friend want to eat the cake but Mary said it's ________ cake and not _______ cake.
John and his friend want to eat the cake but Mary said it's HER cake and not THEIR cake.
How many countries border Saudi Arabia? (Double point if you can name them)
Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.