Past Continuous
Past Continuous or Past simple?

Find five types of people in the wordlist on page 69

actor, actress, artist, comedian, dancer, guitarist, magician, musician, singer


Complete the sentences with was, were, wasn’t or weren’t.

Why ____ Peter crying?

They ____ at the party. They were studying for an exam.

Ben and Emily _____ watching a play at the open-air theatre.





Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

I slept/was sleeping when they came/were coming back from the concert. 

William didn't listen/wasn't listening when the drama teacher asked/was asking him a question. 

I was sleeping when they came back from the concert. 

William wasn't listening when the drama teacher asked him a question. 


Complete the sentences with words or phrases from the wordlist p.69

1. Otto is a very good ____. He plays the piano and guitar really well.

2. We had the best _____ in the theatre! We were really close to the actors.

3. The comedy was really ____! We were laughing so much it hurt!





Name five types of films and three types of music in the wordlist on p.69

action film, comedy, documentary, horror film, romantic film, science fiction film

classical concert, concert, music festival


Complete the sentences with was, were, wasn’t or weren’t.

It ____ a comedy film – it was really scary!

Tess and Elliot ______ listening to a band at the music festival.

What ____ you doing at the weekend?





Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

They talked/were talking when the film star arrived/was arriving. 

We watched/were watching the talent show on TV when the doorbell rang/was ringing. 

She danced/was dancing when she hurt/was hurting her leg. 

They waited/were waiting outside the theatre when they saw/were seeing their favourite actor. 

They were talking when the film star arrived. 

We were watching the talent show on TV when the doorbell rang. 

She was dancing when she hurt her leg. 

They were waiting outside the theatre when they saw their favourite actor. 


Listen and complete the sentences with the best possible words or phrases

My brother wants to be an ____. His dream is to be in a Hollywood film.

The play was ____. The actors were really bad and the story was boring.

The best ____ in the talent show was the girl who danced with her dog.





Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 

We didn’t have a very good time at the _____ (open-air theatre / art exhibition). The play was good, but it rained and we got wet.

I saw my favourite rock band in a _____(concert / talent show) on Saturday. There were 90,000 people to watch them play!

open-air theatre



Complete the sentences with the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1. We ____ (watch) a horror film.

2. They _____ (buy) tickets for the show.

3. Bethany _____ (not sing) in the talent show.

were watching

were buying

wasn't singing


Make sentences using the past simple and past continuous.

4. he / walk / in London / when / he / see / the famous actor

5. we / visit / a museum / when / we / hear / the news

6. she / cry / when / the romantic film / finish

He was walking in London when he saw the famous actor

We were visiting a museum when we heard the news

She was crying when the romantic film finished


Complete the sentences with the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

4. I _____ (play) my guitar.

5. You _____(not dance) at the party.

6. He _____ (look) at a painting.

was playing

weren't dancing

was looking


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

We went to a great ____ (music festival / talent show). There were twenty different bands – it was awesome!

Mark was walking round an ____ (art exhibition / open-air theatre) when he saw Katy. She was looking at a painting by Van Gogh.

I love _____ (talent shows / concerts)! I enjoy watching all the different acts, from magicians to dancers.

music festival

art exhibition

talent shows


Complete the conversations with the past continuous form of these verbs: dance, do, practise, talk, try, visit, watch, wear

1. A: What ____ you ____ after school yesterday? I called you, but you weren’t home.

B: I was at drama club. We ____ for the play next week.

2. A: What ____ you ____ on TV last night?

B: It was a science fiction film. They ____ to save the planet from aliens!

3. A: Who ____ Oliver _____ to at the festival on Saturday?

B: It was his cousin Jack. He ____ for the weekend.

4. A: What ____ Anna ____ at the rock concert?

B: A black dress and boots. She looked really cool. She ____ all night!

1. What were you doing, were practising

2. What were you watching, were trying

3. Who was Oliver talking to, was visiting

4. What was Anna wearing, was dancing


Complete the questions with the past continuous or past simple form of these verbs: arrive, go, hurt, meet, snow, watch

1. Were they watching a sci-fi film when you ___ home?

2. Where ____ you ___ when I saw you yesterday?

3. ____ it ____ when you went to the park?

4. _____ you ___ that comedian on TV when I called you?

5. Was Ewan living in the USA when you first ____ him?

6. I was dancing in a show when I ____ my leg.

1. arrived

2. were you going

3. was it snowing

4. were you watching

5. met

6. hurt


Make sentences using the past simple and past continuous.

1. they / watch / a film / when / Henry / fall / asleep

2. the talent show / start / when / I / switch on / the TV

3. I / listen / to music / when / you / call / me

They were watching a film when Henry fell asleep

The talent show was starting when I switched on the TV

I was listening to music when you called me


Match 1-5 with A-E to make sentences: 

A festivals because he loves music. D to performing in the talent show. B I was uploading pictures and chatting on Instagram.  E me when I was cooking dinner. C seats at the cinema.

1. We had the best...

2. My friend was texting...

3. She was really looking forward...

4. At ten o'clock this morning...

5. Sam prefers going to...







Complete the blog. Write one word for each gap.

There 1. _____ a popular talent show on TV in my country. Last Saturday I 2. _____ watching the show with my family. It was the usual kind of show. There was a group 3. ____ young musicians; they were 4. _____ the violin and piano. Then there was a young singer; she was great, but I 5. _____ getting bored. 

1. is

2. was

3. of

4. playing

5. was


Complete the blog. Write one word for each gap.

It was the middle of the holidays and my friend and I were 1. ___ for something interesting to do. We 2. ____ getting bored of the park and the shopping centre when my mum suggested a new art exhibition in town. To be honest, we 3. ___ very excited – we 4. ____ hoping to do something more interesting! When we arrived at the exhibition, a lady 5.____ giving everyone headphones. We 6.____ understand why at first. Then the lady 7.____ us it was an interactive art exhibition. Music was 8.____ on the headphones. The music changed each time we stopped at a different painting. It 9._____ really cool – and not boring at all!











Complete the blog. Write one word for each gap.

But then the last person came on. He was 6. ____ Marvin the magician. He did magic tricks with playing cards. But he was terrible! He 7. _____ dropping the cards the whole time. He was always 8. _____ mistakes with his magic tricks. He was really a comedian because he was so funny. We 9. ____ all laughing – even my dad, and he usually doesn’t like talent shows. Of course, Marvin the magician was 10. _____ winner of the show.

6. called

7. was

8. making

9. were

10. the