Are you allowed to talk during a yoga session?
What is asana yoga?
another name for poses and posture
When was yoga invented?
late 19th and early 20th century
What are 7 charkas?
Chakras are various focal points used in a variety of ancient meditation practices, collectively denominated as Tantra, or the esoteric or inner traditions of Hinduism
What is yoga anatomy?
the study of the bodies tissue, muscle, joints, membrane and more
What is yoga etiquette?
Yoga etiquette requires that students are not competitive in yoga, are non-judgmental, and fully respect each individual in the yoga class. Students will complete all coursework on time.
What is Drishti?
your focus gaze
Who invented yoga?
Name all the seven chakras
What is the main culprit of an aging spine?
the thoracic spine becomes immobile leads to kyphosis or dowagers hump
What do females wear to yoga practice?
yoga pants, sports bra, and top. The top should be form-fitting so it does not cover your face during inversions—no short shorts. If shorts are worn, wear bicycle shorts underneath.
What does Drishti help you improve?
Balance, Awareness, Concentration
Where did yoga originally come from?
Northern India
Why are chakras important?
to provide subtle energy that helps your organs, mind, and intellect work at their best level.
At what age does your lose its range?
by 40
What do boys usually wear in yoga?
Options include basketball shorts with cycling shorts underneath, sweat pants, or yoga shorts with a shirt. The shirt should be loose-fitting enough to have full movement of the arms, but not so loose that it will not cover your face during inversions.
What is another name for mountain pose?
Why was yoga created?
to train the body and mind to self-observe and become aware of their own nature.
The third eye chakra is connected to what pose?
childs pose
A healthy spine can bend ___ degrees forward, ___ degrees backward, and ___ degrees laterally.
1. 90 2. 30 3.30
What items can you bring to yoga?
Yoga mat, (blocks and strap are useful but not required)
What is another name for standing forward fold?
What are the five principals of yoga?
Which chakras control communication, self-expression, and truth?
The throat chakra
What kind of philosophy is yoga?