European History
Name that tactic!

What is a Pogrom?

Pogroms were organized acts of violence (massacres and looting) against Jewish people that were allowed or encouraged by the local government. The word comes from the Russian word ““to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.” 


When people show that they oppose/resist something by walking somewhere, often shouting and carrying signs.

A March/demonstration.


Describe why the "American Dream" was a myth for the immigrants who arrived. 

Immigrants were not warmly welcomed and often faced hostility and aggressive forms of oppression with lower pay, discrimination, rumors they'd bring disease and faced violence. It was harder for them to find jobs due to this discrimination and well paying jobs that could sustain their ability to survive and provide for their families. "The American Dream" incorrectly sells the idea that everyone and anyone can move their way up to the top class to success and riches but omits all the forms of oppression that exist in America that would allow people to move their way up to get those privileges. 


What is the literal Hebrew translation of "Tikkun Olam?"

What is. . . "Repairing the world."


Describe what intersectionality is. Remember, there's two key parts to it!

The complex way in which different the effects of different forms of oppression or privileges from our identities combine, overlap, or intersect.


What was life like in a Shtetl? 

They often spoke Yiddish! They had large markets where farmers and merchants would buy foods and products from them and that helped them thrive in their economy to survive when faced with poverty from their country's governments. They had Jewish religious elementary schools called a Chedar. They had synagogues, shops, courts and gatherings.


A work stoppage caused by the mass refusal of employees to work.  

A strike!


Who was Clara Lemlich and what did she do?

She was a 23 year old Yiddish Speaking Jewish immigrant from Ukraine who lived in New York City who famously spoke out at a rally after hearing 2 hours of talking about options for solutions. She yelled out that she wanted to make a motion to start a strike. 20,000 people across the nation joined her and striked at their jobs. 

This led to change and victories of getting weekends, fairer working conditions and higher pay across the nation. 


Describe what an activist does. 

What is. . . " a person who takes strong direct action in support of or opposition to one side of a controversial issue."


What is Sexism/Patriarchy?

A system of oppression and discrimination toward women and femme gender non-conforming people. 


What was the Bund?

  • The Bund means Union in Yiddish! The Bundists were socialists and wanted a society that valued people’s needs instead of a society that valued profits. (money) 

  • The Bund set itself the task of educating, uplifting, and organizing the Jewish working class to fight for shorter hours, higher pay, respect, and better working conditions.

  • The Bund worked to improve working conditions for Jewish workers in the types of work they already did: working as artisans (such as tailors and shoemakers) and working in factories. 
  • By the beginning of the twentieth century, the Bund claimed 34,000 members in 274 branches. 


Sneak peak of the next unit question! Lets see if you can guess :)- When protestors gather in a space or building, refusing to move unless their demands are met.

A Sit-in!


Describe how mutual aide benefited and supported immigrants when they newly arrived to the United States. 

  • Collecting money for medical expenses, Money for workers who are in search of jobs or who are on strike for bad treatment, Housing, cultural education, Musical enrichment, Maintaining religious and cooking traditions from Europe


Describe why the 1920's "women's suffrage movement" would be considered a "white feminist" movement.

The women's suffragist movement was solely directed at giving white women the legal right to vote; not other groups of women. Due to this deliberate exclusion and disregard of other groups of women who needed the same right and centering of white women, this would be considered an example of white feminism. 


What age ranges does ageism affect?- explain how 

18 and under (teens and kids) and elderly people (75+)


Why was the Jewish experience in the Shtetlekh complex? (A mix of good and bad)

Although life was hard to be forced to live in the Pale of Settlement in Shtetls where they were subjected to waves of pogroms and couldn't freely leave and often faced poverty, they are remembered for their art, culture, music and literature that made its mark on Jewish history. It helped keep Jewish culture thriving.


The act of refusing to buy, or engage the services of an organization or person. The purpose of is to cause economic loss, and in turn force or coerce that person or entity to change their policies or practices.



Yiddish-speaking immigrants, mostly young women in their teens and early twenties, launched an eleven-week general strike in New York's shirtwaist industry. This movement was called the "Uprising of the ____"



Why is it important to make sure we approach activism and social justice work considering intersectionality?

Intersectionality helps us be more inclusive when organizing for justice.

Because when we think about ways to make the world more fair or our communities more inclusive, we can accidentally leave people out who are more marginalized if we don’t think about intersectionality and how different identities shape people’s experiences.


Give one example of ableism that happens in a public space due to oversight and lack of intersectional planning from people in charge.

Many examples! 

1. No ADA compliant ramps for wheelchair users.

2. No ASL interpreters at events. 

3. No Braille or large print menus at restaurants.

4. No warnings at events before flashing lights start. 

5. No subtitles at movie theaters for Deaf/HOH people.

6. Banning of sensory fidget tools for neurodivergent people. 

7. Marches not considering steps or curbs along the way of the route for participants using walkers or wheelchairs.

8. No using microphones at events.

9. Blasting extremely loud music for long durations of time with no break area built in for people to go to. 


What was the "Pale of Settlement?" 

"The Pale of Settlement was a region designated for Jews in the Russian Empire. The area mostly falls within today’s European countries of Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, and Moldova. In 1917, the Pale of Settlement was abolished, (“abolished” means got rid of) allowing Jews to live where they wished. This region continued to be a center of Jewish communal life until World War II."


Describe what being Blacklisted means.

When companies/employers in the same industry refuse to hire you due to an action you committed at another job within the same industry. (example:Clara Lemlich striking and organizing at her job within the garment industry risked her being blacklisted by other garment companies making it hard for her to get another job.)


List at least 3 RESPONSES to the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire that occurred on March 25,1911 where 146 workers were killed in a fire in New York/ 

The marches, protests and organizing resulted in workplace safety codes in the U.S. that still exist today. (They had 350,000 people march in response for the funeral!) 

  • Fire drills, automatic sprinklers, fireproof stairwells, were now mandatory in high rise buildings. 

  • All exit doors must stay unlocked.

  • They also expanded protections for workers such as creating a department of labor.

  •  mandated that employers (bosses) provide restrooms.

  • founded a worker’s compensation program for workers injured while on the job.


Describe the Bundist value of "Dokaiyt?"

  • “Here-ness”: meaning that Jews should live, build their culture and fight for their rights and against antisemitism wherever they live in the world, rather than trying to create their own, separate Jewish homeland. (nation-state).  


Classism. Who has the privileged identity when it comes to class and who is marginalized?

Privileged group: people with HIGHER income with more access to money and stability. 

Marginalized group: people with LOWER income with less access to money and stability.