emotional changes
identity development
physical changes
coping strategies
health tips

Why do teenagers experience more emotion  during puberty

During puberty teenagers experience mood swings because the  Limbic system releases more gas


Why do teenagers like to be more independent

Teenagers like to be more independent to be ready for adult hood

What cause acne during puberty?

Hormonal can cause the oil glands to become overactive 


What are good ways to deal with stress problems during puberty

You can do something you love and relax


Why is it important to eat healthy during puberty

It can help body growth


why do emotional changes happen

from the amygdala 


Why do teenagers want to get new friend groups during puberty

Teenagers want new friend groups during puberty because they will change there interests


How are some ways get rid of body Oduor

You can put on deodorant or shower


how can keeping a journal help with changes

You can write your feelings so you don’t feel sad.


how can you stay healthy 

by eating fruit and vegetables, exercise and sleeping 


How can you deal with emotional change?

By doing things you love and or sleeping or doing things with your family


How do teens act through social changes?

They will act different because they are building a greater sense of self identity


What are some physical changes during puberty

You get taller, you get pubic hairs, more hormones, ache  and more emotional changes

You get taller, you get pubic hairs, more hormones, ache  and more emotional changes


What are some activities that can calm you down?

you can play video games


Why is getting the right amount of sleep important

This is important as you need to be awake to understand what your doing for the day


how can you cope with emotional change 

you could do something you love or sleep so you don't have to deal with it


how can your friend groups change 

your friend groups can change by new interests 


How can you manage these physical changes

By doing things you love, hanging out with family and like sleeping so you don’t have to experience the mood swiings

By doing things you love, hanging out with family and like sleeping so you don’t have to experience the mood swiings


How are some ways to cope with growth of body hair.

Some way you can cope with body hair includes shaving areas you don’t want hair.


why is drinking lots of water important

This is important as you need to grow properly


What are some healthy ways to manage the emotional changes that occur during puberty, such as mood swings or feeling more sensitive? Can you describe a strategy you've tried or would like to try to keep calm or express your feelings effectively?

Some ways  to manage your emotions healthily is by doing things you love because they make you happy like going to the skate park or shopping

Or sleeping so you don’t have to deal with emotions


why are friendships good during puberty 

so you can have fun while going to adult hood 


what are some ways to stay physicaly healthy

by exercising 


how can you cope with acne

by using acne cream and having showers 


Why is it important to eat healthy during puberty?

It can help body growth