1. To fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. 2. To breathe in (air); inhale
What is inspire?
To help (someone), typically by doing a share of the work.
What is assist?
1. To give someone a particular job or duty. 2. To send (someone) to a particular group or place as part of a job. 3. To give out something
What is assign?
A government or control of society or industry by people who have a lot of knowledge about science or technology.
What is a technocracy?
A situation of confusion and wild behavior in which the people in a country, group, organization, etc., are not controlled by rules or laws.
What is anarchy?
To make secret plans jointly to commit an unlawful or harmful act
What is conspire?
1. Acting or done in the same way over time, especially so as to be fair or accurate. 2. Of the same quality
What is consistent?
1. To officially choose (someone or something) to do or be something. 2. To call (something or someone) by a particular name or title. 3. To mark, show, or represent (something)
What is designate?
An official in a government department, in particular one who does everything according to the rules.
What is a bureaucrat?
A woman who controls a a family, a group, or a government.
What is a matriarch?
To give out sweat through the pores of the skin as a result of heat, physical exertion, or stress
What is perspire?
1. Opposed to something; wanting to prevent something from happening. 2. Not affected or harmed by something.
What is resistance?
1. To give up a job or position in a formal or official way. 2. To accept that something undesirable cannot be avoided.
What is resign?
A government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.
What is a democracy?
A family, group, or government controlled by a man or a group of men.
What is a patriarchy?
1. A hope or ambition of achieving something. 2. The action or process of drawing a breath.
What is aspiration?
To continue firmly in an opinion or a course of action in spite of difficulty, opposition, or failure.
What is persist?
A badge or sign which shows that a person is a member of a particular group or has a particular rank
What is insignia?
A person who has power because of great wealth.
What is a plutocrat?
A system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority.
What is a hierarchy?
To make secret plans jointly to commit an unlawful or harmful act
What is conspire?
1. Demanding that something happen or that someone do something. 2. Happening for a long time and very difficult to ignore
What is insistent?
To sign a document saying that you agree to share the responsibility for a loan or contract with another person.
What is cosign?
A form of government in which power is held by nobility.
What is an aristocracy?
A person who belongs to a small group of people who govern or control a country, business, etc.
What is an oligarch?