Who was the most famous Pharaoh?
King Tut
Who was the first god to emerge from Benben?
What were hieroglyphs mainly used for?
Religious texts, official documents, monumental texts.
What was the name of the underworld in Egypt?
What items were placed in tombs of the deceased?
Treasure, food, family names, items from life.
Which two pharaohs were female?
Hatshepsut and cleopatra
what was the name of the dark, chaotic ocean before creation?
How were hieroglyphs read?
In horizontal or vertical rows, from left to right or right to left
What ceremony determines whether a person could enter the after life?
Weighing of the Heart.
What was NOT a step in mummification?
Burning the body.
Which Pharaohs created the three pyramids of Giza?
Pharaoh Khufu, Pharaoh Khafre, and Pharaoh Menkaure
What did Geb and Nut represent?
Earth and Sky
What important discovery helped scholars decode Egyptian hieroglyphs?
The Rosetta Stone
Which two gods are apart of the Weighing of the Heart?
Osiris and Thoth.
What was the purpose of mummification?
To preserve the body for the ka to come back to.
Was Cleopatra originally Egyptian?
No, she was greek
How did Atum create Shu and Tefnut?
By spitting and acts of self-creation
What was a cartouche used for?
To protect and display the name of a pharaoh or god
What was a persons heart weighed against?
The feather of Ma’at.
Why was the body dried with natron?
Kept the body from decomposing.
Who was most known for their Military achievements?
Thutmose lll
Why were Geb and Nut separated?
To make room for the world.
Why was a cartouche important for a ruler to have?
To ensure their name would be remembered and protected in the afterlife.
What happened to a person if their heart was heavier than the feather?
Their soul was destroyed by Ammit.
Which organ was left in the body during mummification?
The heart.