This weather occurs when there is no sign of rain and a few clouds present to cover the sun.
What is sunny?
What happens when it hard rain falls over days and it can make a jam in the rivers or streams?
What is a flood?
This cloud forms of high humidity and it is made by planes or jets.
What is a contrail cloud?
What is water being released by clouds to make rain, hail, thunder?
What is precipitation?
What weather forms when cold air ,dry at the surface while rain evaporates, this causes the dew point t rise?
What is fog?
This cloud forms by an advance of a cold front and shows in warm and humid mornings.
What is an altocumulus cloud?
What weather forms on the sight of ice crystals form precipitation?
What is snow?
What weather forms when warm air is near the ground while cooler dry air is aloft?
What is a tornado?
This cloud is formed by water vapor that is to condense , it has a gray or blueish sheet?
What is a altostratus cloud?
What forms when raindrops are carried upward by updrafts into extremely cold weather? (this forms a cumulonimbus cloud)
What is hail?
What weather forms when large temperature differences between the warm water and cold air from the Great Lakes?
What is a waterspout?
This cloud is formed by a thickening of a altostratus cloud along occulated fronts.
What is an nimbostratus cloud?
What weather forms by warm waters and thunderstorms ?
What is a hurricane?
What is caused by uneven heating of the suns surface close to the sun?
What is wind?
This cloud is formed by a cool moist air over colder land or ocean. It has a thickness and are sometimes a dark form
What is a stratus cloud?