Someone at school has dropped their papers. What is the best thing to do?
A. Walk past them and laugh.
B. Help them pick up their papers.
C. Tell someone else to help them.
B. Help them pick up their papers.
What is an attribute our Prophet has that shows being a good example?
Multiple Answers.
True or False
During a lesson, we should go off topic often and talk about things unrelated to the lesson?
If you are walking into a building and there is someone behind you, what should you do?
Open the door for them.
If a man and a woman are walking on the sidewalk, which side should the man be on?
When someone is giving you a ride, you should acknowledge them and say thank you when they drop you off.
1. Make eye contact.
2. Say thank you.
When you are at an activity for YW and you see someone not fitting in or being shy, what can you do to help them feel included and loved?
Multiple Answers.
Invite them to sit by you.
Ask them about their day.
Include them in your group of friends.
Sing the entire first verse of Love One Another.
If you are in a room full of people and you get a text message or a notification on your phone, what is the best thing to do?
BE PRESENT! If you are in a room with people, they take priority over whatever is happening on you phone. Don't scroll during a movie or text other groups. Be engaged and build stronger relationships.
Help them set up.
A. Good Habits
B. Good manners
C. Etiquettes
B. Good Manners
If someone is reading a scripture and mispronounces a word, how should we act?
Multiple Answers.
Ignore it and move on.
Help them if they need help.
Never laugh or make fun of someone.
If someone gives you a compliment, do you have to compliment them right back?
No. Compliments are like verbal gifts. You can recieve without giving them in return. You can say "Thank you" or "You just made my day." Do not disagree with the compliment. That is like throwing a gift back.
During an in-person conversation, what percentage of your message is delivered through your spoken words?
A. 7%
B. 38%
C. 55%
A. 7%
Most of our message is received by the other person through the tone of our voice (angry, happy, sad, etc.) and our body language.
Name things you can do around your home to help your parents or siblings so your house can run smoothly and peacefully?
Multiple answers.
When manners are practiced consistently, a person develops what?
A. Habits
B. Reflexes
C. Traits
A. Habits
What are things we need to do inside the church building to show respect of the building and the people inside?
EX: Don't run in the halls.
No yelling.
Clean up our messes.
Speak kindly of others.
Dress appropriately.
When introducing two people, you should.....?
A. Give their names only.
B. Give their names and bit of information about each person.
C. Give their names and a bit of information about each person ONLY if they are a family member.
B. If you know one or both of the people you are introducing, its nice to share a bit of information about them. It will help them be set up with some conversational openers if you have to step away for a minute.
Name things that we need to do daily/often to have good hygiene?
EX: Brush our teeth
Shower/Wash Hair
Have gum or mints on hand.
You have just finished a meal at your own home or at a friends home. What is the polite thing to do after dinner? Multiple answers.
Say thank you.
Ask if they need help cleaning up.
Put plate and utensils away.
You are in a group of people and they start making fun of someone you know from school. Act out the best way to handle this situation.
You can kindly let that group know that it is not nice to gossip or talk badly about someone else.
Start saying things you like about the person they are talking badly about.
Change the subject.
If someone brings treats to hand out at the end of a lesson, what is the best thing to do?
A. Take a handful and walk away.
B. Talk about how gross the treat looks.
C. Say thank you and take ONE treat.
C. Say thank you and take ONE treat.
The teacher took time or money to bring you a treat as their own choice. Be respectful and grateful.
What is the correct way to set a dinning table?
Plate in the middle. Fork on the left. Spoon on the right. Knife on the right.
You are invited to a party but can't make it. What is the best way to decline, but kindly?
Decline Kindly
Don't ignore people. If you can't make it, just let them know.