Operation of Integers

What is 0.321 as a percentage?

To get the answer 32.1%, we have to multiply 0.321 by 100 since percentages are out of 100. When we multiply 0.321 by 100 we get the answer 32.1%.

What is 32.1%


What is the Mode:


To find the mode of the numbers, you have to find which number appears the most, which we can see is 8. So the mode is 8.

What is 8


What is the volume of the cube? It's length is 15 it's width is 5 and its height is 10.

To solve this it doesnt matter which way you multiply, but in this case we will multiply in a different way that you may have multiplied it in. First we will multiply 15 by 5 which is equal to 75, then we will multiply 75 by 10 and get an answer of 750 cubic ft.

What is 750 cubic ft


What is |-8|*|9|

TO do this we know that -8 is in its absolut value since in inbetween those two lines. So know that -8 is know a postive so all we are doing is multiply 8 by 9 to get an answer of 72.

What is 72


What is the answer to the following inequality 


To solve this we wold have to divide both sides by 8 so then x would be alone. After we do that we have -4≥x. So then that would also be x≤-4.

What is x≤-4


What is 1/3 as a percent?

To get the answer 33.33%, we have to know what 1/3 is as a decimal and then we can figure out what it is as a percentage. So first, we will divide 1 by 3, to get the answer of 0.3333. Then we multiply 0.3333 by 100 we get an answer of 33.33%

What is 33.33%


If the median of a box plot is 53, the first quartile is 41, the third quartile is 72, the minimum is 27, and the maximum is 162, what is the range of the data?

All we have to do in this problem is subtract. We subtract 27 from 162 and get 135 as a range.

What is 135


If an angle is at 90.0001 degrees is it, acute, obtuse, right, or straight angle.

The angle is obtuse becuse it is greater than 90 degrees and no less that 90 degrees. In some ways it may look like it 90 degrees but it's not.

What is an obtuse angle.


On a coordinate plane there is a point at (-4,7) which quadrant is the point in.

To do this we have to know the orderd pairs of each quadrant, for this we know that the only quadrants that x-axis begin with a negative is quadrants 2 and 3. But then we also know that quadrant three has only negatives for both the y and x axis. And we know that is quadrant 2 the y-axis is ostive so the answer is quardarnt 2.

What is quadrant 2


What is an inequality that represents the following question?

The max weight a boat can hold is 7835lbs.

To solve this we have to know hat he boat can hold up to 7835 so we know it is less than or equal to. Then we know that the number we are showing to represnt the weight being held in the boat is w. So then when we put the inequality together we get w≤7835

What is w≤7835


What is 35% of 150?

To get an answer of 52.5, you have to multiply 35 by 150 to get an answer of 5250. After multiplying you will then divide 5250 by 100 to get an answer of 52.50, there is no need for the zero at the end so you can remove it if you want to. So the answer is 52.5.

What is 52.5


What is the IQR(interquartile range):


To find the IQR of the data we have to find the median which is 9, then we find the first quartile of the data, so all the data to the right which we know the first quartile is 5. The to find the third quartile we look at all of the data to the right which the 3rd quartile is equal to 11. So then we subtract 5 from 11 and get and answer of 6. 

What is 6


What is the area of the triangle, when it has a width of 13 and a height of 10?

To solve this we have to multiply 10 by 13 which is 130. Then we multiply 130 by 0.5 to get 65 squared ft.

What is 65 squared ft


  What is -183 + (-4923)

To do this we can make these numbers postive for a second. Then we add both of the numbers to get 5106 then we turn this number back into a negative to get -5106

What is -5106


What values from -20 to 20 makes this inequality true? v>17

To solve this we know that v is greater than 17 and we know the values only go up to 20. So with that the values from -20 to 20 possiblities are 18, 19, and 20 making the answer, 18>17 19>17, and 20> 17

What is 18,19, and 20


Bella and Bandit are 17lbs, Eyes is 20% heavier than them. How heavy is Eyes?

To solve this problem we will need to multiply 17 by 20 and get 340. Then we will need to divide 340 by 100 and get an answer of 3.4. Then we will have to add 3.4 and 17  to figure out Eyes weight. Eyes weight is equal to 20.4lbs.

What is 20.4lbs


Is the data below right-skewed, left-skewed, or symmetrical?


To find is the the data is skewed or symetrical is to see where the data lies. We can also check to see if there are any outliers is the data, which we can see there is. We can tell that most of the data lies to the left of the plot. So we know that the data is right skewed.

What is right skewed


What is the Surface area of this rectangular prism when the measurements are 21ft,13ft, and 7ft 

To solve this question you will need to 

Figure out the area of two rectangles each. For the first rectangle, we will be multiplying 21 times 13 which is equal to 273, that will be the answer for that rectangle. We will have to multiply 273 by 2 since there are 2 of the rectangles. Next, we will multiply 21 by 7 to get an answer of 147 for one rectangle. Next, we will multiply the answer by 2 since there are two rectangles. Lastly, we will multiply 13 by 7 which is 91 for one rectangle. Then we will multiply it by 2 since there are two rectangles. In the end, we will add all of the numbers up and get an answer of 1022 squared ft.

What is 1022 squared ft


Point T is locatated at (8,9) on the coordinate plane. Point T is reflected over the y axis to create point. What is point T's reflection?

To do this we know that 8,9 is located in the first quadrant so then we know the y axis is to the left of it, so then we move the point across the y axis, so to the left of the y or the opposite. So then we know it's in quadrant 2 directly opposite from T. Point T' is located at (-8,-9)

What is (-8,-9)


Daily Double!! 

On a number line there is a plot located at 4, the rest of the line is going to the left of the 4. What is the inequality that represents the point?(the point is closed)

To find the answer. We know that the point is located at 4. So know we we know the data is going to the left, which means it's less than. Which mean the data is either less than or less that or equal to. But we know that the point is closed so it's less than or equal to. So the answer is 4x.

What is 4≤x


Gina has 120 pumpkins in her collection. If she has 42 pumpkins set to the side, what is the percentage of pumpkins she has left?

To do this we have to finnd how many pumpkinss Gina has left which we subtract. We subtract 42 form 120 and get and answer of 78. Then we find what percent of 78 is 120. TO find this percent we have to divide. 78/120 is 0.65. We then multiply 0.65 by 100 and get an answer of 65%

What is 65%


What is the MAD of the following numbers?

4, 7, 10, 12, 7, 8, 13, 26, 23, 22

To find the mad we have to find the mean of all the numbers first which is 13.2. Then we have to subtract 13.2 from all of the values. After we subtract all of those numbers we have to switch the negative numbers to postive which is the absolute deviation part. After we switch those number to postives to we then add the numbers and find the mean to them which is 7.

What is 7


What is the Volume of this rectangular prism?

5.1ft times 10.6ft times 21.3ft

 To solve this we will first need to multiply 5.1 times 10.6 which is equal to 54.06. Then we multiply 54.06 by 21.3 which is equal to the answer of 1151.478 cubic ft.

What is 1151.478 cubic ft


What is |-5246|*-3

To do this we convert |-5246| into a positive, so then it owuld just be 5246, making the problem 5246*-3 which will be a negative. to do this all we have to do it change the -3 to a postive get 15738 and then switch 15738 to a negative and get an answer of -15738.

What is -15738


What is the answer.

-4x + 7>-17

To solve we have to subtract 7 from both sides of the inequality. To then get -4x>-24. After we divide the rest of the inequality by -4 to get x>6. But since the varible was a negative we flip the greaater than sign into a less than sign. So the answer to the inequality is x<6.

What is x<6