This fruit is ........... than a lemon.
nuqtqlar ornini to'diring tarjima qiling
bu meva limondan ko'ra shirinroq
This is the..........animal in the world
nuqtalar o'nini toldiring
tarjima qiling
bu dunyodagi eng katta hayvon
"Bu kitob undan qiziqroq."
ingiliz tiliga tarjima qiling?
This book is more interesting than that one.
U sinfdagi eng aqlli o‘quvchi.
ingiliz tiliga tarjima qiling
"She is the smartest student in the class."
"Bu mashina mening mashinamdan tezroq."
ingiliz tiliga tarjima qiling
This car is faster than my car.
February is the ............ month of the year.
gapni toldiring va tarjima qilng
That was ................. day of my life!
gapni to'ldiring va tarjima qiling
the best
A bicycle is .............. a car.
gapni to'ldiring va tarjima qiling
slower than
My house is............. my friend's house.
gapni toldring va tarjima qiling
bigger than
Summer is ............... than spring.
gapni to'ldiring va tarjima qilng
The cheetah is .................. land anima
gapni to'ldiring va tarjima qiling
the fastest
This test is easier .......... the last one.
gapni to'ldiring va tarjima qiling
This test is easier than the last one.
"Bu kun yilning eng issiq kuni."
tarjima qiling
This is the hottest day of the year.
"What is the ................ place in your country?"
gapni to'ldiring va tarjima qiling
most beautiful
sening mamlakatingdagi eng go‘zal joy qaysi?
tarjima qiling
"What is the most beautiful place in your country?"