When someone makes something seem different from the truth, like a trick or lie. Example: "The magician's act was deceptive because it made the coin disappear, even though it was still there."
What force pulls objects toward the Earth?
What does a letter represent in an algebraic expression?
A number or an unknown value that can change.
What is the name of Lyra’s daemon?
Which Year 6 teacher loves to cycle?
Mr. Bastin
When someone does not follow rules or listen to directions. Example: "The disobedient puppy kept running away even after being told to stay."
Which surface would create more friction: ice or sandpaper?
If "n" stands for a number, how would you write "five more than a number" as an algebraic expression?
Who is the powerful woman that takes Lyra to London?
Mrs. Coulter
Which Year 6 teacher is an underwater photographer?
Mrs. Wright
A person who breaks trust by doing something wrong to a friend or group. Example: "He was called a betrayer because he shared his friend's secret after promising not to."
Why do objects fall at the same rate in a vacuum (no air), regardless of their weight?
Because there is no air resistance to slow them down.
If x = 4, what is the value of 3x + 2?
3(4) + 2 = 14
What is the name of the group that is kidnapping children, including Lyra’s friend Roger?
The Gobblers
Which Year 6 teacher performed at the West End(theater)?
Mr. Ainscough
Someone who lies or hides the truth on purpose. Example: "The deceitful fox tricked the other animals to steal their food."
How does lowering your center of gravity help you stay balanced?
It makes you more stable and less likely to fall.
What is the equation if a number doubled, then increased by 3, equals 11?
2x + 3 = 11
Why does the Master of Jordan College attempt to poison Lord Asriel?
He believes Asriel's discoveries about Dust are dangerous and could bring harm to Lyra and the world.
Which Year 6 teacher is from South Africa?
Ms. Goch
Being careful about what you say or do so you don’t embarrass or upset someone, or so you keep something private.
How does friction affect the movement of objects on different surfaces?
Rough surfaces create more friction, slowing objects down, while smooth surfaces create less friction, allowing objects to move more easily
Solve for x: 5x - 7 = 18
x = 5
How do daemons reflect a person's inner nature, and what does it mean that a child's daemon can still change shape?
A daemon's final form represents a person's true self; children's daemons change because they are still developing their identity.
Which Year 6 teacher is from New Zealand?